How fast do pro cyclists go?

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Somerset UK
They do come back down the mountains - fast!

They are also full time pros, they train a lot more than amateurs can, because that's their job, they're selected as naturally having the right physique for a pro cyclist, and above all they're enthusiasts and put everything they have into it.

A few may take drugs. That's not just a cycling issue.

I'm not that bothered by the actual speeds, team peleton riding distorts those anyway, but I'm quite sure they're going as fast as can be achieved and much faster than I've ever been able to.


Legendary Member
I usually average about 16 mph but I daresay I could average 20 in a big bunch on a flat route.


Über Member
put it in perspective, the top marathon men runners are close to running at 13 mph. for 2 hours. (is on the flat though)

your average sunday training ride would be somewhere around 15 mph.


Bear in mind that the UK record for a 12 hour time trial (amateur rider Andy Wilkinson) is just over 302 miles, i.e. just over 25mph and he averaged approx. 21.9 mph when he set his 525 miles 24 hour record.


I was out with the club a couple of winters ago. It was early winter and I remember I was on my summer lightweight carbon bike. I noted a rider who I did not know wave from the opposite direction and then turn into our chain gang. He was on a cheapish halrfords MTB with 2 panniers and it had hub gears. I then noted he was having no problems keeping up and on one of the hills he came alongside and starting chatting away. By this point, I was near dying, trying to keep with the chain and to think of talking was impossible. Eventually, I got some words out and it transpired he was a pro cyclist; Alex Coutts on his winter sabbatical. He was just cycling into town for some shopping and came across the chain gang. His fitness and speed was significantly higher than any of us. Nice bloke as well - very happy just to chat about the life as a developing pro.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Nice to hear about a pro cyclist using a bike for everyday things too. I'd imagine that if riding a bike is your job it's difficult to motivate yourself to use one for shopping, etc.


Nr Cambridge
I have it on good authority, from 3 different people, that on one weekend a pro rider lead their weekend 70 mile clubride & they averaged somewhere over 27mph... a good 5mph faster than the normal average.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
gavintc said:
I was out with the club a couple of winters ago. It was early winter and I remember I was on my summer lightweight carbon bike. I noted a rider who I did not know wave from the opposite direction and then turn into our chain gang. He was on a cheapish halrfords MTB with 2 panniers and it had hub gears. I then noted he was having no problems keeping up and on one of the hills he came alongside and starting chatting away. By this point, I was near dying, trying to keep with the chain and to think of talking was impossible. Eventually, I got some words out and it transpired he was a pro cyclist; Alex Coutts on his winter sabbatical. He was just cycling into town for some shopping and came across the chain gang. His fitness and speed was significantly higher than any of us. Nice bloke as well - very happy just to chat about the life as a developing pro.

:smile: that's excellent!
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