So many funny stories from export travel.
Arriving at Karachi I handed over my passport with a photo of me bearded, as I was from time to time. The immigration officer looked at the picture, looked at me, laughed and asked: "Mister... what happened to your beard?" Half a dozen of his colleagues joined in and passed my passport around, laughing and pointing. I had never realised the importance of the beard in Pakistani culture.
Same airport and I'm at the front of the check-in queue waiting for them to open. A fat Pakistani in shalwar kameez wanders up, climbs onto the scales and peers over at the weight readout. Seeing his pals waiting and giggling a few yards away I discretely place one foot on the scales behind him, wink at his pals and press down. The poor man sees his weight and calls out "Oh my God!" in shock while his pals, who can see what I'm doing, absolutely crease themselves laughing.
A Nigerian lady customer in London phones me at work. I'm in an open-plan office so colleagues tend to earwig anything unusual. We chat for a bit then I ask her: "Madam Bena, did you see the TV programme last night about African cooking?" There's a shocked silence and Madam Bena replies: "Dese people are disgraceful! Dey should be put in prison!"
"What do you mean Madam Bena?"
"Dese drug dealers!"
"What do you mean.... drug dealers?"
"All dis cocaine! Dey are criminals!"
"Er.... not cocaine Mrs Bena, cooking! African cooking! Cooking dishes like jollof rice and meat stew!"
By now the entire office has stopped work and is listening in. There's another shocked silence on the line.
"You mean to tell me dey are putting DRUGS in de food?"
That was when I began to wish i hadn't started talking about African cooking. Colleagues still enjoy reminding me about Madam Bena.