Sick of hardly anyone indicating these days!

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All at sea⛵
Yep. Cant invade Poland if you can't see out the screen.

Think we've moved on from that recently.


Legendary Member
This BMW, Merc, Audi hating thing is so boring, bad driving is not car specific, in fact the car with the worst accident rate in the UK is a Toyota Prius.

In 2022 (I think kit was) you were more likely to have points on your licence or a conviction if you drove an Audi over any other brand.

I think it's undeniable that while there are bellends everywhere certain types of character are attracted to certain brands, be it clothing (hoodies and jeans with the crotchn round their knees), shoes (certain brands of trainer), drugs, firearms (Glocks are very popular with a certain sectionnof the underworld associated with rap music) , or cars.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Do those Tesla thingies have indicators controlled by the car so the driver doesn't have to indicate him/herself? I ask as I've just returned home after witnessing what looked like a brand new one that either didn't have indicators or had, but they weren't working correctly if controlled by the car. If only I had a dash cam I could've recorded what I witnessed. This vehicle must've made 6 maneuvers that required indicator use, but not once did I see it indicate, apart from when it turned off a mini roundabout at '11 o clock' while using the right indicator not the left one! The standard of indicating at roundabouts is horrendous! If I were to stand in the middle of a roundabout making note of incorrect indicating I bet I'd see 70 percent of indicating done incorrectly. One of the most annoying ones is like the one I've just mentioned, where a vehicle indicates right when turning off a roundabout! You're sat there waiting to see what bozo is doing, then it turns off while indicating that it's going to carry on further around the roundabout. This sometimes leads to me thinking "Oh look, they're indicating right so they must be turning off to my left", so I then pull out onto the roundabout. I've even had vehicles pull out in front of me as I indicate right to let others know I'm carrying on around the roundabout. They probably are like me in thinking "Oh he/she's indicating right, so that means they're turning off left", so they then pull out!:wacko:


Recently I broke down at some traffic lights in the middle of a busy town.
Would that have been Oxford near the ice rink? 9th November? I only just made it to the game on time. :smile:


It has been interesting helping my son out with practice in between his driving lessons, the lack of patience and consideration from other drivers is really frustrating. We have also had a number of instances where people are driving really close behind us and he’s not holding anyone up, he’s driving a reasonable speed.


Über Member
you mean they are driving like cyclists ( apparently ..... )

What gets me is they jump the red , just to sit in the queue the other side🤷! They're not gaining anything, the number of 'smack-ups' I've witnessed at 2 Traffic lights junctions, it's a quite a common occurrence.
I don't drive in 'rush hour' if I can avoid it,and if I do, I have my 'bikes. ( still don't jump lights)
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