Middle aged bald git.
- Location
- Narfuk
ECT can be dangerous - but cannot be administered if you're wearing a cycle helmet!
Yeah, but back to back like that?[OT}
Actually you'd normally look at a course of 4-6 sessions...
The best that can be said is that the cells are invigorated just before the point of destruction....Although to be serious for a few seconds, ECT is a controversial treatment and has many critics - but I have seen it work on many occasions and where someone is depressed to the degree of being actively suicidal, ECT can be a life saver.
The best that can be said is that the cells are invigorated just before the point of destruction.
I read it as 'kill off loads of brain cells' and hope that amongst them you also get the ones causing depression.
... even though it is a lot less brutal than most major surgery that is carried out.
Well it found favour after lobotomies ceased.
Once a yearFallen off my mountain bike about once a year now, every time because of pushing my luck on a wet surface. Not once did I hit my head. In fact, I have never come close to hitting my head falling off a bike, ever. My thighs, shoulder and elbow have always taken the force of the impact, plus the size of my bike gives me some protection from falls.
Also, cars don't give me much grief (they all overtake well, some even give way to me when I am turning right), so I don't really feel threatened by them.
But if I got a road bike (as I plan to) then I probably will wear a helmet. Until that day, my head rides free.
A logical analysis of how it sometimes works is that it kills brain cells so others kick in to start euphorically afresh.
One flew over the cuckoos nest is an exaggeration but I'm sure there is plenty of data out there that it lowers IQ.
No different from a bang on the head?