I do however stand by their content barring the term idiots.
So you stand by the following quotes from your three posts on the subject:
"I HATE cyclists"
"Most think they own the road; they cycle about 3 foot from the kerb, they are not mindful of other road users and constantly jump red lights"
"cyclists seem to be taking over the world without the skills and courtesy that cyclists on the continent have. They are a law unto themselves; they think that the Highway Code doesn't apply to them and cause endless crashes and traffic jams every single day"
"Don't cycle in the middle of the road"
"Don't ride 2 abreast"
"most injuries and deaths on the road from cyclists being knocked off are from them jumping red lights and not wearing helmet"
"cycle lanes..... USE THEM"
"Not wearing a helmet triples the chance of death if involved in an collision"
"If a cyclist causes a crash they just cycle off"
"All drivers pay to be on the road. They pay road tax, petrol tax and huge insurance premiums. Cyclists do not"
"ALL cyclists should be insured and be made responsible for the damage and injuries they cause. They should face the same penalties as motorists do. Jumping a red light, mounting the pavement and hitting a pedestrian should come with the same punishments"
"Quite rightly, he wants to see it brought into law for all cyclists to wear a helmet on public roads. That goes for adults and children."
"join him and me at shouting at every cyclist you see not wearing one (when they are stationary of course)"
The above all taken verbatim from
Your opinions are ignorant, misguided, counter-productive, insulting, and factually incorrect.
Please, do some proper research before writing about anything in the future.