glenn forger
Threats of violence? That's a serious escalation, who did that? I've been watching your twitter and facebook and saw none, post them here with the twitter name.
At no point on twitter or my blog have I ever identified who my employer is or where I work. Coming on here was to have a conversation without abuse, and say my side of things. That's all.
At no point on twitter or my blog have I ever identified who my employer is or where I work. Coming on here was to have a conversation without abuse, and say my side of things. That's all.
They come through on my blog comment from 'Anonymous', like much of the abuse I got. My complaints about abuse was not aimed at anyone who had identified Them self and left a comment. This is why I came on here.Threats of violence? That's a serious escalation, who did that? I've been watching your twitter and facebook and saw none, post them here with the twitter name.
I've apologised for calling any of you idiots, said my piece and held my hands up to what I agree I could have approached differently. You're welcome to accept my apology or disregard it. Have a good day.
I will stay, and I do cycle! Always wear my helmet to!I will read all the threads about helmets too!
Part of the reason I'm reluctant to believe that is that I've seen you make reference to a post on your facebook page as abusive, which was nothing of the sort and accuse one twitter user, who had posted three times, perfectly courteously of harassment.They come through on my blog comment from 'Anonymous', like much of the abuse I got. My complaints about abuse was not aimed at anyone who had identified Them self and left a comment. This is why I came on here.
They come through on my blog comment from 'Anonymous', like much of the abuse I got. My complaints about abuse was not aimed at anyone who had identified Them self and left a comment. This is why I came on here.
There are not enough hours in the day for that.I will stay, and I do cycle! Always wear my helmet to!I will read all the threads about helmets too!
No, he didn't need to google it. He just got it from his collection. His twitter feed (153 posts in 6 days!) is full of strange sexual references, bare arses, 1970s style "you're a poofter" type of homophobia and fat shaming.Your mate posting implied death threats and photos of Johnny Hoogerland's legs ripped up by barbed wire is very much your target audience, legitimise aggression and you get creatures like him crawling out from beneath his rock. Think about it, he must have Googled "injured cyclist" or something. What sort of person does that?
Good luck with that.I will be posting another blog about cyclists / helmets / injuries, but I will ensure it's balanced, and has evidence posted for both sides of the argument.