Helmet replacement or not?

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All at sea⛵
yes - but you only need to wear a helmet on the rides where your head is going to come into contact with hard object

On every other ride a helmet is unnecessary and just extra weight, uncomfortable and uncool

Well you only need the right lottery numbers once. Just a matter of knowing.


Legendary Member
Well you only need the right lottery numbers once. Just a matter of knowing.

Ditto the tortional spinal injuries caused by the helmet induced circumference increase of the head. And MIPS, solving a problem that wouldn't exist if people didn't wear helmets in the first place. The difference there is it's the buying of the helmet in the first place that earns you those six numbers. There is no free lunch.

I'm not anti lid, but it's frightening how many people blithely wear one like some cloak of invincibility when that is far from what you're getting.

On a related aside, far and away the most effective method of improving ones safety odds while riding on or off road is some proper training. It continues to astonish me that people blithely stick a bit of microwave oven packaging on their head in the name of safety while blithely continuing to endanger themselves unnecessarily with their woeful roadcraft. If wearing a helmet is all a rider has done in the name of safety then they haven't really done anything.

And that's the difference between thinking you've done something to make yourself safer, and actually doing something to make yourself safer.
extra weight, uncomfortable and uncool

Extra weight? Clearly every ounce matters on an ebike that weighs a ton, or if you are looking to beat your best Strava time by a second.

Uncomfortable? Some people think so, others don't. We need proper statistical analysis to measure the level of discomfort.

Uncool? Is that a cycling term, or even a term that anyone uses these days?


South Wales
yes - but you only need to wear a helmet on the rides where your head is going to come into contact with hard object

On every other ride a helmet is unnecessary and just extra weight, uncomfortable and uncool

The only one f those with any validity is the 2nd.

It is only "unnecessary" in the same way wearing a seatbelt is unnecessary if you aren't going to crash, or paying for insurance is unnecessary if nothing relevant goes wrong.

If it is uncomfortable then you have aa poor helmet. And there is nothing "uncool" abut them (Or particularly "cool", they just are).
I'm not anti lid, but it's frightening how many people blithely wear one like some cloak of invincibility when that is far from what you're getting.

And that's the difference between thinking you've done something to make yourself safer, and actually doing something to make yourself safer.

In this vein I'm often astonished how many people wear a helmet then ride with their hands off the handlebars.

One person even tried to lecture me on the importance of a lid while riding like this. I stopped the lecture by shouting "look out" and braking suddenly. It took him a while to stop but he got the point.
It takes huge ignorance to believe one can survive every head - hard object impact incident unscathed.
pfft. I've had a number of facial/cranial bruises and scrapes throughout my life, mostly not from cycling. (My closest shave was in a car crash, Just sayin ... )

A&E is full of people with head injuries - probably the majority aren't life-altering, and certainly the vast majority aren't from cycling!


South Wales
pfft. I've had a number of facial/cranial bruises and scrapes throughout my life, mostly not from cycling. (My closest shave was in a car crash, Just sayin ... )

A&E is full of people with head injuries - probably the majority aren't life-altering, and certainly the vast majority aren't from cycling!

Well they wouldn't be, since the majority of people don't cycle.


Feels like this is going wildly off topic. The OP asked for opinions on whether he should replace his damaged lid. Not on the pros and cons of helmet wearing.
I would suspect that like most people who have come off and damaged their helmet, the OP will be more of the view that a helmet is a very useful thing.

We have a thread for banging on about pros and cons of wearing helmets.
Helmets have been implicated in cases of Shermer's Neck.
From what I have read on a quick google search,  possible causes refer to those having cameras on them. It seems to affect very long distances...e.g. 500 miles with a strain on the neck from riding position needing elevation for many hours to see the road ahead.
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