In my 30 years of being a home owner/renter i've never had any form of Christianity knock on my door. I've had little envelopes from the local C of E church in the past,asking for donations (7 billion quid in the bank and begging🧐),which i ignored,but no actual knocking. I've also been into church run charity shops and offered a leaflet inviting me to their church. One of those charity shops has or had,due to lockdown, Sunday night 'worship' in the old folks leisure activities building approximately 40 paces across the road from my front door. I asked them if i could bring my dog as he doesn't like to be left alone. "All God's creatures are welcome,of course you can" was the reply (imagine if i had a boa constrictor,or a horse
). How about that eh! When/if ever this lockdown ends me and mutt are across the road happy clapping!!