Have you had a hand written letter from a Jehovah's Witness ?

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We have a couple living across the road who are Jehovas. We have a natter from time to time and they are pleasant enough people.
They have meetings at the house from time to time, and occasionally someone will pop across the road and knock on our door. I always make my views known very firmly but politely so our theory is that our neighbour just sends the people who might have upset her😁

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Christianity isn't the only religion that tries to convert people to their beliefs. All religions do it. And they certainly aren't the only religion that has followers who object to homosexuality.
Strange...never had Hindus or Buddhists on my doorstep. Just the Jesus/Jehovah brigade:okay:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Strange...never had Hindus or Buddhists on my doorstep. Just the Jesus/Jehovah brigade:okay:
In my 30 years of being a home owner/renter i've never had any form of Christianity knock on my door. I've had little envelopes from the local C of E church in the past,asking for donations (7 billion quid in the bank and begging🧐),which i ignored,but no actual knocking. I've also been into church run charity shops and offered a leaflet inviting me to their church. One of those charity shops has or had,due to lockdown, Sunday night 'worship' in the old folks leisure activities building approximately 40 paces across the road from my front door. I asked them if i could bring my dog as he doesn't like to be left alone. "All God's creatures are welcome,of course you can" was the reply (imagine if i had a boa constrictor,or a horse:unsure:). How about that eh! When/if ever this lockdown ends me and mutt are across the road happy clapping!! :okay:
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Grand Old Lady
In my 30 years of being a home owner/renter i've never had any form of Christianity knock on my door. I've had little envelopes from the local C of E church in the past,asking for donations (7 billion quid in the bank and begging🧐),which i ignored,but no actual knocking. I've also been into church run charity shops and offered a leaflet inviting me to their church. One of those charity shops has or had,due to lockdown, Sunday night 'worship' in the old folks leisure activities building approximately 40 paces across the road from my front door. I asked them if i could bring my dog as he doesn't like to be left alone. "All God's creatures are welcome,of course you can" was the reply. How about that eh! When/if ever this lockdown ends me and mutt are across the road happy clapping!! :okay:

I went years ago. I didn't just turn up. It was some sort of family event... I drank a bit of wine. Didn't care very much for the bread wafer snacks they had on though. If they want people to return, perhaps some pork pies? Sandwiches? Gateau perhaps? Even some more lively music to clap along to. Warpigs by Sabbath will get the regulars moving im sure...
Funnily enough, my Mum mentioned she'd received something recently, was in an envelope addressed to the house (not "Occupants of" or her name).

She read the letter to me, and I mentioned possibly JW, but she has since just thrown it away.

However, my Brother many years ago was receiving regular letters addressed to him, asking him to join the church and all his sins would be forgiven and things.
We all just called them his love letters, especially since he was responding to the letters too.


Über Member
I went years ago. I didn't just turn up. It was some sort of family event... I drank a bit of wine. Didn't care very much for the bread wafer snacks they had on though. If they want people to return, perhaps some pork pies? Sandwiches? Gateau perhaps? Even some more lively music to clap along to. Warpigs by Sabbath will get the regulars moving im sure...

NIB would be be my choice of hymn.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
In my 30 years of being a home owner/renter i've never had any form of Christianity knock on my door. I've had little envelopes from the local C of E church in the past,asking for donations (7 billion quid in the bank and begging🧐),which i ignored,but no actual knocking. I've also been into church run charity shops and offered a leaflet inviting me to their church. One of those charity shops has or had,due to lockdown, Sunday night 'worship' in the old folks leisure activities building approximately 40 paces across the road from my front door. I asked them if i could bring my dog as he doesn't like to be left alone. "All God's creatures are welcome,of course you can" was the reply (imagine if i had a boa constrictor,or a horse:unsure:). How about that eh! When/if ever this lockdown ends me and mutt are across the road happy clapping!! :okay:
I was walking to a bus stop shortly before Xmas last year when two young guys in smart suits walked up to me. I should have spotted it earlier but the little badges they had on said 'Jesus is Lord'. So yeah, I got canvassed in the street at a bus stop. They just don't give up....
I was walking to a bus stop shortly before Xmas last year when two young guys in smart suits walked up to me. I should have spotted it earlier but the little badges they had on said 'Jesus is Lord'. So yeah, I got canvassed in the street at a bus stop. They just don't give up....
I trust the Lord's representatives on earth social distanced?

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Do those Hare Krishna fellas in their orangey robes still process around central London?

They were a regular sight in the West End, although I don't recall them canvassing.
Do those Hare Krishna fellas in their orangey robes still process around central London?

They were a regular sight in the West End, although I don't recall them canvassing.
Haven't seen them for years - they didn't look very healthy to me on their supposedly wonderful godfriendly diet - they used to be around Oxford Street a lot, thankfully they used to do lots of chanting and cymbal bashing so you could hear them coming and take diversionary action.
When I become emperor I am thinking of making it mandatory for all god botherers to be accompanied by cymbals, castanets and a klaxon when out in public on their wandering missions.
Then there were of course the sneaky ones who would thrust what they claimed was a George Harrison album into your hands and then try to extract a hefty guilt donation for their free generous offer.
Also round Oxford Street a lot.
Not to mention the Scientologists just up the road accosting you with their kind offers of a free personality test.

If I do need a fix of this stuff there are quite a few ethnic street preachers in Peckham.

edit - just remembered that Oxford Street was also the haunt of that guy with the sandwich board telling us that eating too much protein would doom us to a life of sexual excess. Not sure what it was about Oxford Street - God sure does work in mysterious ways, or likes to pop in selfridges between saving us all.
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