I have not seen backtracking like this!!! Classic.
At least you are now admitting that cycle helmets only have limitations. The first step, Cunobelin, is to admitting you were wrong.
A typical answer from someone who lost some time ago.............

You really have not understood a thing, and that is rather worrying. Go back, actually read the posts and try to understand....... helmets have limitations, they can cause oe exacerbate injuries and there is no definitive proof that they are effective in reducing head injuries at a population level.
The modern design has faults and could be improved, and individuals (like yourself) could improve their safety by improving their knowledge and choosing a safer helmet.
You have even quoted the organisations who make these claims yourself!
Damn it!!! I said i wouldn't post again!! Bad influence the lot of you. Next i'll be riding everywhere with a bandana instead of my, proven to work at some level, road cycle helmet.![]()
Edit: To others claiming the stats like the 85% claims are selective or inaccurate, i suggest you take another look at them all. Not just the ones you can selectively refute.
Or you could try looking at the evidence you posted where you yourself have refuted and chalenged the 85% claims?
Lets just look atthe data that you proferred states:
Bicycle helmets are 85- to 88- percent effective in mitigating head and brain injuries
Yet you alos offered a sugestion that the paper suffered from a small data sample and included forehead lacerations which helmets do not prevent!
"Own data suggests helmets give 25% reduction in risk of head injury for adults, but no reduction for other serious injuries. Adjusting Thompson results to eliminate forehead lacerations, re-calculated benefit is 61% (instead of 85%). Also noted small sample size in Thompson data".
Then there is another study that you osted that simply does not suport the 85% claim either!
Concluded that helmets decrease risk of head injury by 69%, brain injury by 65% and severe brain injury by 74%.
It s the problem with "cut and paste" without actually reading or understanding - you post numerous articles that contradict themselves., so thank you - you have successfully made claims, challenged your own claims and proved them wrong in the same post!
That is style!