Halford's Real Classic bike

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Legendary Member
jimboalee said:
I'm starting to sweat because I have a feeling that they were 44T ring to 20T sprocket in those days and a 26" wheel size.

That would make it 43, 57 and 76" gears.

75 rpm for 12.5 mph in middle.

Those were the days of 'Grind, grind, grind'.

Nowadays, the ladies like lower gearing for a higher cadence.

I used to cruise comfortably in 3rd. I think the wheel was bigger than a 26". Sorry, I can't put you out of your misery as I don't have the bike at home any more. It's a Lady Diploma in Glacier Blue if you want to do some research.


Legendary Member
Sorry for the thread hijack OP. I actually like the look of that Halfords bike.


New Member
I'm back home now.

The gen I have on that bike says it had a cottered steel chainset of 38 teeth.

Much the same gearing as the 2009 bike.

Fully encased chain?? Chaincase.

Looks like a Young lady student's bike in one of the University Cities ??? Wicker basket?

Not the kind of bike to go on a Brevet Populaire, but OK up a wine bar car park ramp.


Legendary Member
jimboalee said:
I'm back home now.

The gen I have on that bike says it had a cottered steel chainset of 38 teeth.

Much the same gearing as the 2009 bike.

Fully encased chain?? Chaincase.

Looks like a Young lady student's bike in one of the University Cities ??? Wicker basket?

Not the kind of bike to go on a Brevet Populaire, but OK up a wine bar car park ramp.

No basket. It came with a back rack. It doesn't look quite so traditional as the current Diploma but has swept back handlebars and a straight rather than curved step through. Not sure about the chain. I think it's at least partially encased.


jimboalee said:

These type of bikes are worth SOD ALL second hand. I can't drop it for love-nor-money.

I might have to give it away.

How about that OP! Get in your car and come and get it.

Dunno about that. Round where I live it's all the yummy mummies want right now. I just did a quick trip to fleabay - this is the one I got 'er indores a few years back for, I think it was, £35. Mostly they seem to go for £40+.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
samanosuke said:
Risking opening a can of worms, is it really that bad/what could possibly go wrong?....

My girlfriend insist that £250 for a bike is a lot, but if spending a bit more can prevent a nightmare, I wouldn't mind doing just that.

However, it's the whole look of the bike which she really likes. :sad:

Thanks for the replies so far!

Sorry but, your girlfriend, is very wrong, £250 is very cheap for a bike, it really is in Bike Shaped Object (BSO) territory, if you can stretch the budget you will get something much better...


New Member
Sorry... as much as I loathe BSOs, £250 is not BSO territory, it should be entirely possible to get a *basic* *working* *servicable* bike for that amount. Admittedly there is some crud about for that price, but it is also possible to get something basic that works properly.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Waffles speaketh the sense. I got a really quite decent 4 speed hub-geared bike a few years back - Halfords flogged it for £230.
To the bloke who a year later flogged it to me for £35 having ridden it twice :smug:


New Member

with the link this time!!! Strech to some of these and she'll be very happy!


New Member
jimboalee said:
How about that OP! Get in your car and come and get it.

Thanks for the offer! no really! :smile: However, I think my gf sees the bike more like an accessory, like her shoes - if it doesn't tick the right boxes (in this case, the looks), it'll probably just get left in the shed. :wacko:

So on Sunday, we decided to give Halfords a visit and get a test ride. Unfortunately, they only had one left in stock (in a box). We've seen it in person before and it really is striking and very nice looking.

Of course she was disappointed, so I took her to a local cycles UK store. She immediately fell for the Pashley Princess (I know it was mentioned before, but I guess all bikes look better in person! :rolleyes:) . So, she's now infatuated by the Pashley, and is not phased by price tag. Just waiting for her workplace to set up the cycle scheme now.

Thanks for all the input guys! Phew!


Legendary Member
That's great news! She needs a bike she'll love and want to actually get out and ride. The Pashley will be pretty good value under the cycle to work scheme.


Über Member
Try looking at the website for Bobbin's cycles (sorry, no link). They specialize in upright cycles and accessories for ladies who want to look chic. I think the Pashley Poppy looks particularly good but there's plenty to choose from.


New Member
Now I know where you are coming from.

The Pash Princess Classic.
3 speed Sturmey - check the sprocket size. Can be regeared.
Sturmey hub drums - Front will pitch her into the wicker basket.
Brooks, beautiful Brooks.
Skirt guard.

Red Kite Cycles had one and found it difficult to sell. I think they sent it back to Stratford unsold.

Girls in Solihull don't see bicycles as fashion accessories, I suppose.
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