Peter Armstrong
Über Member
How can i possibly take the bike to the "head mech" to get sorted when he thinks that, what a joke!
If what you say is true regarding what their manager said and not due to any misunderstanding I do find that incredible. Any company lives or dies on its reputation and it does beggar belief that you should get such a response from a manager at the biggest retailer of bikes in the UK.
I know you will no longer be going to them but it would be interesting to report your conversation to the customer service dept and see what their response is.
I agree, but I think Halfords reputation for knowledge is so far gone that they must know it by now.
Like Cycleops, I would be inclined to bring it to someone's attention, although having made similar complaints to large retail chains in the past, I can guess the kind of response you'll get: "Terribly sorry sir. We'll take it up with the store manager. Have a £10 gift voucher (and go away)".
Still, it might be worth doing just for the gift voucher. It'll at least offset some of the cost of taking it elsewhere...
If what you say is true regarding what their manager said and not due to any misunderstanding I do find that incredible. Any company lives or dies on its reputation and it does beggar belief that you should get such a response from a manager at the biggest retailer of bikes in the UK.
I know you will no longer be going to them but it would be interesting to report your conversation to the customer service dept and see what their response is.
I will start an email now, ill put what I write in here if anyone would like to read it and give me some tips bfore I send it to halfords.