Halfords Help Carrera Virtuoso

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West Kent
Let's not be hasty now. I'm sure if you wanted new wipers or a baby seat fitted to your bike, he'd be very, very good!..


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
If what you say is true regarding what their manager said and not due to any misunderstanding I do find that incredible. Any company lives or dies on its reputation and it does beggar belief that you should get such a response from a manager at the biggest retailer of bikes in the UK.

I know you will no longer be going to them but it would be interesting to report your conversation to the customer service dept and see what their response is.


West Kent
If what you say is true regarding what their manager said and not due to any misunderstanding I do find that incredible. Any company lives or dies on its reputation and it does beggar belief that you should get such a response from a manager at the biggest retailer of bikes in the UK.

I know you will no longer be going to them but it would be interesting to report your conversation to the customer service dept and see what their response is.

I agree, but I think Halfords reputation for knowledge is so far gone that they must know it by now.

Like Cycleops, I would be inclined to bring it to someone's attention, although having made similar complaints to large retail chains in the past, I can guess the kind of response you'll get: "Terribly sorry sir. We'll take it up with the store manager. Have a £10 gift voucher (and go away)".

Still, it might be worth doing just for the gift voucher. It'll at least offset some of the cost of taking it elsewhere...
Peter Armstrong

Peter Armstrong

Über Member
I agree, but I think Halfords reputation for knowledge is so far gone that they must know it by now.

Like Cycleops, I would be inclined to bring it to someone's attention, although having made similar complaints to large retail chains in the past, I can guess the kind of response you'll get: "Terribly sorry sir. We'll take it up with the store manager. Have a £10 gift voucher (and go away)".

Still, it might be worth doing just for the gift voucher. It'll at least offset some of the cost of taking it elsewhere...
If what you say is true regarding what their manager said and not due to any misunderstanding I do find that incredible. Any company lives or dies on its reputation and it does beggar belief that you should get such a response from a manager at the biggest retailer of bikes in the UK.

I know you will no longer be going to them but it would be interesting to report your conversation to the customer service dept and see what their response is.

I will start an email now, ill put what I write in here if anyone would like to read it and give me some tips bfore I send it to halfords.


Swinglish Mountain Goat
I will start an email now, ill put what I write in here if anyone would like to read it and give me some tips bfore I send it to halfords.

My thoughts are not suitable for a public forum...

The disheartening thing is many people would take what the mechanic said as the absolute truth and become disillusioned with cycling as a result (i.e., my cheap bike won't function and is no fun to ride, I can't afford a more expensive one...so why bother?). I consider this to be beyond shabby!


West Kent
I recommend posting it, instead of emailing it. It always holds more weight.

Bullet point each contact you have had with them.

Sum up what you want them to explain or do in bullet points. Examples would be why the staff training is clearly so poor. Why were you "fobbed off" etc.

Finish the letter by outlining that you are not "angry" at your treatment, but "disappointed" as you expected better from a large chain. It feels like they've just taken your money, and now they're not interested.

Don't forget you're writing to a person. Don't go on the offensive or it'll get their back up, and they'll just send you an empty apology with no further interest in the matter.

(Did I mention I used to work on a complaints team...)
Peter Armstrong

Peter Armstrong

Über Member
Dear Sir/Madam

I recently purchased a Carrera Virtuoso road bike from my Local Store at Rochdale, 09-02-13.

This was setup in store and I collected and taken it home, I placed it on my turbo to check the gears, and the front derailleur would not lift the chain to the large cog, adjusting the two small screws did not help. I had to force the gear leaver across to get it up, but it would grind hard against the side of the large cog, marking it and possibly taking small scraps of metal off to.

I then had to tighten the gear wire. The gears still where now changing, but this was still difficult, I had test it both off and on the turbo and the gears seemed to crunch and take time for the chain to get up to the large cog on the front.

I phoned Halfords Rochdale on the 10-02-13, the bike Mechanic would not be in until 13-02-13, so I phoned Bury Halfords and took it down there. I explained all the issues and I put it on the bike support and he began to tune the gearing, He said he was happy with it and sent me on my way. I took it home and gave it a quick spin, and again it would not chain to the large cog on the front. I had to again change the small screws to get the bike to change up, but again it was hard changing and possibly damaging the chain and cogs.

Knowing the head mechanic was in on the 13-02-13 at Rochdale I gave him a call, he told me a few things,

1) Being that with this bike being a lower end bike (Entry level) gear changes won’t change smooth. This is strange, why would you sell a bike that the gears don’t change correctly.
2) Gears on the bike when on my turbo won’t work, because the bikes not sitting on the wheel and the frames being squished out of shape, stopping the gears from working as they should. This is even stranger all my bike have worked on my turbo?
3) Sometimes you have to push the gear leaver further than the last click to get it to jump to the large cog. Really? I have to over push my gear lever which forces the derailleur to push the chain onto the side of the gear cog, which looks like it damaging the cog even more to get the gear to actually change?

I would have to leave my new bike with him over the weekend for him to have a look at, but after this conversation with him I have lost all confidence with him sorting out my bike, Halfords mechanics have already set the bikes gears up twice, why would this time change.

I have now had to book my new bike into a local bike shop to be looked and setup properly, this will cost me another £20, as I have lost all confidence in Halfords.


West Kent
Good start, but try this:

Dear Sir/Madam

I recently purchased a Carrera Virtuoso road bike from my Local Store at Rochdale, 09-02-13.

This was set up in store and having collected it and taken it home, I placed it on my turbo to check the gears, to find that the front derailleur would not lift the chain to the large chainring. Adjusting the two small screws did not help. I had to force the gear leaver across to get it up, but it would grind hard against the side of the large chainring, marking it and possibly damaging it.

I then tried to adjust the gear cable. The gears still where now changing, but this was still difficult. I had tested it both on and off the turbo and the gears seemed to crunch and take time for the chain to get up to the large cog on the front.

I phoned Halfords Rochdale on the 10-02-13, who advised me that the bike Mechanic would not be in until 13-02-13. I rely on my bike for day-to-day transport and could not wait a further three days for the faults to be put right.

As an alternative, I phoned Bury Halfords and took it there instead. I explained the issues and he began work on it straight away. He advised me that he was happy with it and sent me on my way. I took it home and gave it a quick spin, but all the same issues remained.

Unhappy with it, I waited three days anyway and took it back to your Rochdale store to be looked at by the Head mechanic. Having inspected it, he advised me:

1) Being that with this bike being a lower end bike (Entry level) gear changes won’t change smooth. I find it difficult to believe that a bike should not be expected to work properly from the outset, despite it being entry-level.

2) The bike won’t run properly on the turbo because “the bike is not sitting on the wheel and the frame is being squished out of shape, stopping the gears from working as they should”. Although I am not a bicycle mechanic, this comment sounded more like a way of getting me out of the store, than a plausible problem.

3) “Sometimes you have to push the gear leaver further than the last click to get it to jump to the large cog”. While there might be an element of truth in this, the amount of force I have to apply to the shifter feels unreasonable, and I am concerned that this is of a level that is likely to damage the components.

Regardless of this, I have left the bike with him to inspect further, but I feel it necessary to write to you as I have lost all confidence with his abilities as a mechanic, given what I have been told so far. I bought the bike from Halfords because I felt I could rely on receiving a good service from such a big brand, but I am disappointed that this seems not to be the case.

To summarise, I would be extremely grateful if you could clarify the following:

- Why, despite two visits to the store to set up the bike correctly, the appropriate action does not seem to have been taken by any mechanic.
- Why the head mechanic at your Rochdale store seems more interested in giving me excuses as to why the bike shouldn’t work, rather than trying to fix it.
- Where we go from here, with getting it running properly.

I very much look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I would be grateful if you could contact me by return post or by telephone on 07xxx xxx xxx
Peter Armstrong

Peter Armstrong

Über Member
Dear Sir/Madam

I recently purchased a Carrera Virtuoso road bike from my Local Store at Rochdale, 09-02-13.
This was set up in store and having collected it and taken it home, I placed it on my turbo to check the gears, to find that the front derailleur would not lift the chain to the large chain ring.

Adjusting the two small screws did not help. I had to force the gear leaver across to get it up, but it would grind hard against the side of the large chain ring, marking it and possibly damaging it.
I then tried to adjust the gear cable.

The gears were now changing, but this was still difficult. I had tested it both on and off the turbo and the gears seemed to crunch and take time for the chain to get up to the large cog on the front.
I phoned Halfords Rochdale on the 10-02-13, who advised me that the bike Mechanic would not be in until 13-02-13.

I rely on my bike for day-to-day transport and could not wait a further three days for the faults to be put right.
As an alternative, I phoned Bury Halfords and took it there instead. I explained the issues and he began work on it straight away. He advised me that he was happy with it and sent me on my way. I took it home and gave it a quick spin, but all the same issues remained.

Unhappy with it, I waited three days anyway and telephoned your Rochdale store and spoke to the Head mechanic. Having listened to the above, he advised me:
1) Being that with this bike being a lower end bike (Entry level) gear changes won’t change smooth. I find it difficult to believe that a bike should not be expected to work properly from the outset, despite it being entry-level.
2) The bike won’t run properly on the turbo because “the bike is not sitting on the wheel and the frame is being squished out of shape, stopping the gears from working as they should”. Although I am not a bicycle mechanic, this comment sounded more like an excuse to the fault, than a plausible problem.

3) “Sometimes you have to push the gear leaver further than the last click to get it to jump to the large cog”. While there might be an element of truth in this, the amount of force I have to apply to the shifter feels unreasonable, and I am concerned that this is of a level that is likely to damage the components.
Because of this, I feel it necessary to write to you as I have lost all confidence with Halfords bike mechanics and their abilities as a mechanics, given what I have been told so far. I bought the bike from Halfords because I felt I could rely on receiving a good service from such a big brand, but I am disappointed that this seems not to be the case.
To summarize, I would be extremely grateful if you could clarify the following:
- Why, despite two visits to the store to set up the bike correctly, the appropriate action does not seem to have been taken by any mechanic.- Why the head mechanic at your Rochdale store seems more interested in giving me excuses as to why the bike shouldn’t work.- Where we go from here, with getting it running properly.
I very much look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I would be grateful if you could contact me by return email or by telephone on 07xxx xxx xxx


Über Member
I've got one of these bikes - good value for money but it's never been back. I do all the servicing myself - if I can't do it, I google and YouTube it, if that fails I ask on here. Not worth giving it to a monkey with a wrench who's only there because he's left school and couldn't find anything else.


West Kent
I tend to write letters with spaced paragraphs as it makes it easier for the recipient to read, but it's personal choice really.

I would suggest leaving the "to summarize" points on seperate lines. It reinforces the fact that you expect these points to be answered, but again - it's personal choice.

Other than that there's just a couple of small grammatical points, but I won't list them - it should remain in your writing style as it's coming from you. I strongly suggest you post it though instead of e-mailing. The response will take longer, but it should be taken more seriously. Write to head office - NOT the stores themselves.

Good luck!! :thumbsup:
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