dedicated bike mech's....... that usually means a "yoof" that really wanted to work in the in car entertainment department, bike mechs really do vary from store to store, think about it if you had all the relevent qualifications would you want to work for minimum wage
Around the time they introduced the Boardman range, I left a leading Independent cycle trader for
halfords with the promise of great changes.
A substantial pay rise and improved working conditions etc seemed to imply a serious change in direction but I soon found out this was a local initiative by the area manager who could see the need to employ "cycle people" with qualifications and experience.
Of course once he left everything changed, they wanted me to go on baby seat fitting courses, fit wiper blades etc which I refused and someone came up with the idea that as they were paying me such a huge salary they had to balance the books by removing most of my staff.
Fortunately, they started offering redundancy to all the so called "high earners" (many who knew their jobs) so I bit their hand off and ran back to the Independents asap.
Just to give you an idea, I was running a department that had a turnover of more than £600,000 in 2010, 7 day trading etc, with only 1 other full timer and 3 part timers before the cuts.
They guy who took over from me on half the pay and harsher conditions had never owned a bike since primary school, had no interest in the products or any supervisory experience and lasted 6 months.
The full timer and 2 of the p/t's left shorty after me and now they have the "yoof" you describe on the payroll, for a while I felt frustrated but for my sanity I'm glad I had a lucky escape.