ColinJ You might be interested in this
20 minutes in there is a piece about the new anti-coagulants that are available for certain conditions.
Thanks. The new drugs are certainly looking promising but I think I will stick on warfarin for now. I agree with the second doctor who said that a little caution is no bad thing. I am pretty stable on warfarin so hopefully my bleeding risk is as low as it can be.
Longer term, I would like to switch because I don't like the prospect of a lifelong vitamin K deficiency induced by warfarin. I just want the doctors to have a few more years experience with the new drugs first in case anything horrid turns up!
I was watching
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor tonight and they had a report on a new surgical technique for dealing with clots in the lungs. It was the kind of thing that I could not have watched when I was feeling really ill, but I felt up to it this evening. It was amazing to watch, but what they got out of the poor guy's lungs was truly gruesome!

If you can stomach it, it is available on iPlayer for a month -
LINK. The clotting item is about 40 minutes in.