15 - you are lucky you didn't bleed to death!!!!INR > 15 today, could explain why I've been feeling a bit wiped out recently.
I hope that the docs get you back in range ASAP, Martin, and that you start to feel better soon!
I have had 3 scans done recently ...
INR > 15 today, could explain why I've been feeling a bit wiped out recently.
Yikes. I ended up in A&E with an INR of 4.8 (target is 2.5 - 3.0) last year. I figure you'll be having more regular monitoring for the next few weeks?
I'm going to get a self-testing machine. I'm hoping that I can persuade my GP that it would save the NHS money for me to do my own tests, which it would over a number of years. The trouble is they have to work to shorter term budgets so I will probably have to pay for it myself.
Yes, I would hope to at least get the strips prescribed. I want to test myself weekly to pick up potential problems early.I think you do have to buy the machines, but sometimes the test strips can be had on prescription.
They're ~£3 each, so its worth doing if your GP allows it. Anecdotally, I've read that this seems to be relatively rare.
Bone density scan results in: All looks ok.
I'll leave it another few years then request another one to see if there has been any change. At least the doctors know my baseline figures now.
No news on the chest scan yet.
I have an appointment to see the urologist at the end of the month for the results of the kidney scan. That is making me nervous because if all was well I think I might just have got a letter saying that, as I did for the bone scan ... No point in worrying about it. I'll wait to see what he has to say and worry later if I need to!
Yes, a couple of other people have said that too. Cheers.I would have thought that if the results were more serious they would have had you back much sooner. It does seem to be a long time to wait though, doesn't it? Anyway, here's hoping all is well.