I received a letter from my consultant today. To my horror, in the bottom half of it ...
The consultant said:
... signs of ongoing blood clots causing strain on your heart.
Oh FFS - just when I was feeling a lot better!!!

But then ... I unfolded the sheet of paper and on the top half ...
The consultant said:
The recent heart scan and lung function tests were both normal and show no ...

I just have a routine appointment next January to monitor progress.
I still get symptoms of lung damage and I don't think I am ever going to make a 100% recovery, but it looks like I might manage 90% (say) and be able to get a lot more great cycling done before I finally pop my clogs.
For the future, to try to avoid future relapses I will:
- Stay on anticoagulants for life - warfarin for now, maybe switching to one of the newer drugs in the future if that looks like a better bet
- keep my weight under control (excess weight is a risk factor)
- avoid alcohol (a risk factor for clotting, and something I struggle to moderate)
- avoid dehydration (it 'thickens' the blood)
- maintain a consistent vitamin K intake (to not mess up my warfarin)
- never wear excessively tight clothing again (bloody uncomfortable, and probably the cause of my first DVT)
- put my legs up when sitting for long periods of time (more comfortable and reduces swelling in my left leg)
- stand up and walk about regularly to keep the blood flowing
- keep my legs warm (cold blood clots more easily)
- wear travel socks when travelling or standing (their mild compression keeps the swelling in my bad leg under control)
So, hopefully I will not be posting in this thread too many more times in the future, though I will report any relapses or significant breakthroughs.
I would like to stop thinking about clotting so often. When I first got ill it was 24/7 - you may have noticed! Later it became every 15 minutes or so. Eventually it got to once an hour. Now, it is probably just 5 or 6 times a day. I look forward to the time when I realise that it has been a week or two since I last thought about the subject. I don't want to forget about it altogether because remembering the horror of the illness keeps me vigilant, but I do want to live a more normal life now.
Thanks for your support, and see you on some forum rides in the future!