Hi gang - it's me again with another
"I'm not dead yet, and those of you with similar health problems might find this information useful" report!
The setback I mentioned in
a recent post was actually worse than I thought it was at the time. I felt pretty poorly off and on for several days and started to feel very scared again. The thing is, the symptoms are pretty similar to having a heart attack - stabbing pains in the chest, feeling weak and ill, shortness of breath ...
I knew that if I contacted a doctor then they were 99% likely to send me back to hospital - what else could they do? If they told me not to worry, it was the kind of thing that recovering Pulmonary Embolism patients suffer but then it turned out that I actually
had had a heart attack, then they could end up in all kinds of trouble. It therefore seemed to me a case of deciding for myself whether I wanted to go back to hospital or not. I decided to take a chance and see how I felt after a night's sleep.
I still felt rough the next day, but less intensely so. I decided to go online and see if I could find people with the same problem as me -
PulmonaryEmbolismChat, if you like! It didn't take me long, and what I read was very reassuring - it is apparently extremely common for this kind of thing to happen. One American patient had been in and out of her local 'emergency room' (A & E) about 10 times with similar symptoms over a period of months. In the end, the medics told her to try and relax and sent her home with anti-anxiety medication!
In case anybody reading this has similar health problems to me, take a look at the
Pulmonary Embolism Support Group on DailyStrength.org. There is a wealth of experience there.
And now the good news ...
I had a chat with the Warfarin nurse when she took my last blood sample. She asked how much exercise I was doing and told me she thought that I should be doing more than I was. Not going crazy and trying to walk for miles, but making an effort to get to my feet and move around more often. I've been trying to do that.
I got over my bad patch, and have started improving again. Several times, I have managed to walk to the shops, do my shopping and walk home again without being forced to sit down and rest on the way. I'm also able to stand in the kitchen long enough to make simple meals, do the washing up and so on. I don't have to keep sitting down every 30 seconds or so. It may not sound much, but it was a damn nuisance when I could only manage to stand for half a minute at a time!
The friend who helped me so much when I got ill, has been poorly herself this week. Nothing serious - just a bad cold and a sore leg, but enough to knock the stuffing out of her. It was great feeling well enough to go and shop for her instead of having to have her shop for me!
The results of my latest blood test came through. My
INR has stabilised so I can carry on eating my healthy greens since I am having enough Warfarin to balance out the clotting effect of the vitamin k in them. I also only need a blood test once a month now - hooray!
I'm seeing the chest consultant at the end of the month and hopefully he will be satisfied with my progress.
So - a forum walk is still some way off, and a forum ride a distance dream, but ... I'm slowly getting there!