Regarding your post in "your/my ride today" [forget which it is] I think you are wrong and underestimate what you will be able to manage. I'm not saying this to make you feel better [I'm a northerner] but if you can walk 500 meters then you will manage 5 miles easily, plus add on the fact that you have lost weight and you will fly.
The truth is that I am not going to get back on a bike until I have already coped with a few decent hilly walks, so that will definitely be true!
I'm looking forward to riding in the hills again at a sensible weight. I'm almost down to the weight I was in 2007 when I cycled down to Coventry, and back again a week later. They were both very hilly rides of about 225 km (140 miles) and I felt fresher after them than I have been doing on my forum rides recently. I was still at least 1.5 stone overweight though, so when I get down to 12-and-a-bit stone again and get some decent rides in, I really think that I will be flying. Should be good ...
Getting well again is almost always an exponential curve so the pace will pick up as the body gets stronge
Yes, once the blockages caused by the clots have cleared away. It is hard trying to explain what this condition feels like. I imagine it is what breathing at high altitude is like - I can be breathing deeply, but only about 20% of the usual amount of oxygen is getting into my bloodstream so I get out of breath doing the simplest of tasks. I can't push myself harder to get fit because I can't risk dislodging parts of the clots, which could have absolutely catastrophic results.
I'm doing what I can for now, and once the clots have gone, I'll really get stuck in!
I guess one of the most difficult things you face [as I thought it would be for me] is keeping the calorie intake down whilst being relatively inactive and that of course includes alcohol, but you already know that.
It was easy at first because I was so ill that I barely had the strength to eat! The friend who was shopping and cooking for me knew that I must be bad because I normally eat twice what she does, but for a month ate half what she was eating.
I'm eating more now I'm feeling better, but I'm trying to remind myself how few calories I am burning while I am ill.
I won't touch alcohol again until I am fully recovered, and even then I will make sure that I don't slip back into my old pattern of several beers a night in front of the TV.
As it happens I actually lost weight from anxiety and sleepless nights and I wasn't exactly overweight to begin with!.
Blimey - there wasn't much spare fat on you, that's for sure!
Stick with it Colin and when you feel able to ride again you have an invitation to came and stay with us for a weekend

Very nice of you, but unless my finances suddenly improve drastically, I won't be coming down to the Midlands again until Christmas and I won't be cycling on that trip.
I am hoping to make a late spring/early summer visit in 2013 though and I should be cycling then. I'll do what I did this year and time my visit to fit in with one of your
Rutland forum rides, and I may plan one of my own down there for the weekend before or after. Possibly, I'd pinch the route of the Cotswold Challenge century from Meriden - that was a nice ride.