Great Quotes

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Hugh Manatee

It is astonishing that Churchhill ever found time to sort out WWII. He must have spent most of his time coming up with all these quotes.

Was it him that said, "It is better to keep your mouth shut and for people to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and people to know you're a fool."


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!
It is astonishing that Churchhill ever found time to sort out WWII. He must have spent most of his time coming up with all these quotes.

Was it him that said, "It is better to keep your mouth shut and for people to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and people to know you're a fool."
I not sure who said it, though I think the original quote was more like, "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak, and to remove all doubt."

As you say, people attribute a lot of quotes to Churchill.


Leg End Member
An old mate of mine was a time-served Painter & Decorator whose specialised subject at college was Signwriting (at work too he was the signwriter)
He'd got a few 'quotes' he'd painted and framed that hung on his wall,

What it is to sit and do nothing,
Then rest afterwards.

Why put off til tomorrow,
What you can put off til next week
And my favourite

Dope gets you through times of no money
Better than money gets you through times of no dope.

I prefer "do not put off until tomorrow that which you can do today"
Never put off until tomorrow, something you can put off doing at all.

Never put off 'til tomorrow what you should be doing today or you'll end up putting your whole life away.
Col. S.T. Potter.

Tin Pot

Cant recall which one but Im sure that was one of the old snooker players. Very good one that.
No it’s golf. Jack Nicklaus iirc.

It’s to shut up all the people that call a good player lucky.

Tin Pot



Legendary Member
It is astonishing that Churchhill ever found time to sort out WWII. He must have spent most of his time coming up with all these quotes.

Was it him that said, "It is better to keep your mouth shut and for people to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and people to know you're a fool."

Mark Twain (maybe?)


"Display of superior knowledge is as great a vulgarity as display of superior wealth—greater indeed, inasmuch as knowledge should tend more definitely than wealth towards discretion and good manners."
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