Going to do my first Century!

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Sam Kennedy

New Member
April 17th :laugh:

Some people from my club are meeting up an hour early, to do a 100 mile ride.

I don't think I have to worry too much about training, it's going to be at a steady pace, and I handled 65 miles without any difficulties at a faster pace.

What I do need to worry about is fuel. What sort of carbs should I be eating before, during and after the ride? Simple carbs (like mars bars and jelly babies) or complex carbs(like potatoes and pasta)?

We will be having 2 cafe stops and 1 lunch stop, but I'm guessing my 500ml drinks bottle wont be enough. Would a 750ml bottle be enough? I will have 2 stops to refill it.

If I had to guestimate I drink about 5ml per mile.

Anything I should do prior to the ride? Will there be any difference between 100 and 65 miles, apart from time spent on the bike?


Fleet, Hants
Do not underestimate how much fuel you will need - probably somewhere around 6,000 cals for the ride. I did my first century last October and didn't understand how much fuel I would burn - I therefore took on far too little and after 70 miles it was a horrible trudge in the lowest gear for a lot of it which is slightly ridiculous.

I would suggest carb loading for a couple of days before the ride, just doing it the night before is not enough. I would also use an energy drink on the way such as SIS PSP22 (500ml per hour), and definitely carry two water bottles, you need to drink when necessary not just when water becomes available at a planned stop.

Lots to eat along the way but you will probably find it difficult to eat enough so I would carry some energy gels as a reserve - the Torq Banoffi is a particular favourite of mine. Don't go under-prepared like I did, it is not something I would wish to repeat, however it was excellent for weight loss!


I disagree with dmoran, Sam. I do a century every month (#63 now) and I don't bother with any carboloading malarkey. Someone as fit and strong as you won't have any problem with the extra 35 miles. Just make sure you have a solid breakfast (preferably not a fry-up) and eat something at your three stops. Beans on toast is very popular for good reason.

As it's your first 100 it might be sensible to take a couple of emergency gels just in case you die towards the end.

A 500m bottle won't be enough because you can get through that between stops. I manage fine with a 750m bottle topped up at stops, but you might prefer 2 bottles. Plain water does it for me, swapped for 50-50 cola and water after about 60 miles.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Im sure you will do it easilly Sam.I have only done one century and that was a gentle route but you will be a ;lot fitter than me I suspect. Definitely want two bottles though and refill at evey stop. Tescos Lemon and raisin pancakes are my on the hoof fuel. easy to manage and dont turn to a mess in your pockets.

on the road

Über Member
If you are having 2 cafe stops and 1 lunch stop then you don't need to worry too much about taking food with you, you just need to make sure you take plenty drink.

I agree with ASC1951 on carboloading, I've never carboloaded pryer to any of my long rides and never had a problem. Breakfast not too important either as you'll be having 3 stops.
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