Line leader is having problems with a checkweigher, it keeps rejecting good packs.
'Have you checked the weight limit settings ? ( he should know these, he has a specification sheet that clearly states what they are)
'I changed the settings to try to get it to work....but it's still rejecting'
'Did you use the proper test weights to set the program up ?'
Ok, let's start again and j will set it up with my limited experience.
So I check the settings, they're wrong. I correct them to meet the specs, it's quite easy.
'Have you got the test weight ?'
'Errr no'
So I'm thinking you did t use the proper method to set it up...and you didnt use the proper specs....this is your job, it should be second nature to you, you've been trained, theres a SOP for it. But whaddaya do, hes a nice fella, trying his best and like others, hes found an easier way of doing things, sometimes it works but once they start this, it becomes Ingrained in them...they (a surprisingly amount of machine operators) just wont change to the proper way of doing things. The list of things they do incorrectly is endless...whaddaya do
So I showed him, smiled and walked off, the checkweigher is running now.
And tomorrow, he will probably revert back to his way of doing it.