Give me some dialogue from your day

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I was sat on the big rock overlooking St. Michael's Mount, watching the tide wash over the causeway. There were lots of children having fun clambering over the rock.

A boy about 10 found a nice bit to sit on and announced to his family on the sand below :

"I'm the King of the World !
I've got a nice bit of stone to sit on for my throne
And the first new announcement is...
No more school, just fun all the time "

Happy with that, he carried on exploring.


He was sat where the person in the red gilet is.
I was sat on the big rock overlooking St. Michael's Mount, watching the tide wash over the causeway. There were lots of children having fun clambering over the rock. A boy about 10 found a nice bit to sit on and announced to his family on the sand below :
"I'm the King of the World !
I've got a nice bit of stone to sit on for my throne
And the first new announcement is...
No more school, just fun all the time "
Happy with that, he carried on exploring.

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He was sat where the person in the red gilet is.

I remember seeing that on the first day of my LEJOG last year.

It’s very beautiful down there, almost like the Mediterranean in places.

Bloody hilly for a Cambridgeshire lad though!


Our 2 YO granddaughter is a hoot, she's always had....but it's getting worse, a tendency to stretch the final word in a sentence '.grandad want coffeeeeeee' if she's playing with her play kitchen..
'want mommeeeeee'

:laugh: it cracks us up and I suspect we're not helping by imitating it when it makes us laugh, which just reinforces it in all probability.
Her mum said yesterday ..
'God help us, the way it's going, by the time she's 6 it's going to take her five minutes to say one word ':laugh:


Overheard on the Heath... "He always used to be such a great raconteur, and now he can barely find the words to ask if you'd like a cup of tea..."


Sometimes you catch someone and you got them hook line and sinker.
Talking to the mum of some of our grandkids. Love her to bits, she's such a character but a bit dim sometimes...and she'd tell you that herself.
We were talking about feeding the dog and I started a story....
'Yeah, we had one dog, wouldn't stop eating so I cut his food down'
She listened intently as I continued....
'Yeah, after a month I was feeding him just twice a week.'
'Noooo, twice a week !!!! :ohmy:'
'Yeah, sounds extreme but he was fine. So I cut him down a bit and got him to one feed a week'
'You can't do that the poor thing :ohmy:'....'was he ok ?'
'Nah, he died just as I was getting to that point, shame really, I was starting to save a fortune...stupid mutt'

Her eyes narrowed :dry: :scratch:....'i can't believe I fell for that old load of c**p' :laugh::headshake:
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