A telephone conversation with a company director I used to do business with..play golf with and had a good friendly relationship with, havnt seen them for a couple years and was phoning with a view to doing some business again with my new employer..
me..having spoken to his wife who occasionally works there..
'Sorry ****, I spoke to your wife, and couldnt belive I couldnt remember her name'
'I know, i struggle to remember her name as well'

'How is **** ?' (his partner when i was doing business)
'Retired, silly old tw*t

'Bout time too'

'Remember that ginger headed Italian that used to be our rep ?'
'Yeah, FFS, dont tell me he's back with you guys'
'Yep, thought we'd got rid of him for good...he's back, like a bad rash'
'And ****?....suppose hes still with you ?'
'Cant get rid of him, god knows i tried

all spoken with mirth..theyre a good bunch and ive known them for years...looking forward to doing business again.