Über Member
I'm not suggesting you're doing this through malice or genuine intolerance - you seem to be quite new to the whole debate and apparently unaware that the decision is anything other than a "no-brainer", but I hope you're now aware that some people have spent an awful lot of time and effort looking into the subject, and get understandably annoyed when someone comes along to tell them they're ignoramuses on the strength merely of "common sense" and one single anecdote. It feels a lot like being preached at by someone who's recently Found God
I can see that Dan, the trouble is it just gets pointless and people are so fixed in their views that they argue black is white. I can understand that there times when helmets won't help, I can understand there specific times when they may be a hinderance. In balance it is my view they are a benefit overall.
Lets focus on experiences. Case by case basis. Now look genuinely at my individual case. There is absolutely no question in my mind that in my specific accident the helmet did a great job. I've given very good evidence to demonstrate this and yet people still refuse to see it. I have no agenda other than sharing a nasty experience and asking people to stay safe. Now if I am wrong, then balance it with other real experience. Lets not hide behind limit science, blind faith and questionable numbers.
We all need to ask more questions