GCN+ Gone

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Über Member
A site I looked at suggested GCN are making approx £1000 per day from the YouTube channel.
There’s obviously a lot of mouths to feed and need further income. Overpriced merchandise isn’t going to feed much.
They will have to hope there are people out there, with disposable income, and more charitable than I am.


Kilometre nibbler
I was happy to pay the annual GCN+ fee, purely for the documentaries. I probably watched one a month - one a month new ones that is - so they were costing me about £3 each, which is fine. There's no way I'll be subscribing at the new price of four times more per month to watch them again though, especially if there are no new ones. That said, I might sign up for one month to watch several of those I'd like to see again as a one-off. For anyone who has several they'd like to watch, and can do so in a month, a single month's fee is pretty good value. I just can't see anyone subscribing on an on-going basis.

@scragend said above that they were being rotated?

So maybe you could sign up and find that on your month there are only videos you don't want to watch/have already watched on rotation.


Kilometre nibbler
A site I looked at suggested GCN are making approx £1000 per day from the YouTube channel.
There’s obviously a lot of mouths to feed and need further income. Overpriced merchandise isn’t going to feed much.
They will have to hope there are people out there, with disposable income, and more charitable than I am.

I suspect they are hoping that people with a sense of belonging to the channel will sign up knowing that they are paying over the odds but are happy to support something they think is good/worthwhile.

I might be tempted to lean that way, but not at £12.99/month. That's the same ballpark as a Netflix sub, and the gulf between them is vast.

£5 a month, even with commercials, I might be tempted (and you can get Netflix for about that I think)
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Senior Member
@scragend said above that they were being rotated?

So maybe you could sign up and find that on your month there are only videos you don't want to watch/have already watched on rotation.

That's what I thought Simon said on this week's GCN Show.

If it's right then I suppose that's a way of making people subscribe for more than one month, if they need to wait to see the videos they want.


Legendary Member
I was thinking about the Zwift recent price hike that everyone got het-up about. I really wish the GCN people had told subscribers that the current financial model wasn't sustainable and had upped the prices rather than selling/closing. This has made me more likely to pay the new Zwift fee come the Winter. We have to support the things we want to keep...but obviously, we have to choose carefully and they need to price wisely. £12.99/month for existing films feels excessive even if I do miss the films.


Kilometre nibbler
I've just found another reason to complain about the discovery+ streaming apps.

I'd been watching the tour on my phone. I actually had a bit of a lag as I'd watched the finish twice. Then I decided to swap over to laptop. I went to the D+ website and it very kindly asked if I would like to Resume watching. I clicked resume, assuming it would resume where I'd left off on my phone. But no, clicking resume gives you two further options: Watch from start or Live.

FFS, if you're not going to let me resume where I was, then don't offer me the option. The whole thing is just generally shoddy. It works, just about, which is good, but if you compare it to what the big boys like Netflix offer it's just a crap user experience.

(TBH the old GCN+ app was a bit shonky and I was forever getting weird error codes)


I've just found another reason to complain about the discovery+ streaming apps.

I'd been watching the tour on my phone. I actually had a bit of a lag as I'd watched the finish twice. Then I decided to swap over to laptop. I went to the D+ website and it very kindly asked if I would like to Resume watching. I clicked resume, assuming it would resume where I'd left off on my phone. But no, clicking resume gives you two further options: Watch from start or Live.

FFS, if you're not going to let me resume where I was, then don't offer me the option. The whole thing is just generally shoddy. It works, just about, which is good, but if you compare it to what the big boys like Netflix offer it's just a crap user experience.

(TBH the old GCN+ app was a bit shonky and I was forever getting weird error codes)

You should be able to rewind. On my LG TV it suddenly switched off to clear the memory.


Über Member
We’ve been cursing the Discovery + app finding it difficult/ impossible on ATV to scrub forward or backwards.
i now have the answer 😀 you’ve to select pause and then you can scrub back or for with ease then play to continue.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
They'll find out pretty quickly that hardly anyone is going to fork out £12.99 a month for the documentaries.
Better to make them available on a pay per view basis somewhere, at maybe £3.99
£3.99 is pay-per-view of a six-month-old big studio movie. I think £2 is more like the current market price for one documentary pay-per-view.

£2.50 is a month sub to the Nebula documentary-led network and all its films. £12.99 a month for one channel's docs on rotation seems, shall we say, ambitious.
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