GCN+ Gone

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
GCN will be paid for youtube stuff , no racing from what i have just read


Legendary Member
The whole GCN thing is messy.

GCN+ is awesome. Warner Bris buy it. They decide it’s not making enough money and shut it down…all that left is GCN on YouTube. The GCN people buy that bit back but then we lose Dan from the Breakaway.

I wish they’d told subscribers that they werent making enough money. I bet a good proportion would happily have doubled their subscription (or paid more) rather than lose it!


Über Member
The whole GCN thing is messy.

GCN+ is awesome. Warner Bris buy it. They decide it’s not making enough money and shut it down…all that left is GCN on YouTube. The GCN people buy that bit back but then we lose Dan from the Breakaway.

I wish they’d told subscribers that they werent making enough money. I bet a good proportion would happily have doubled their subscription (or paid more) rather than lose it!

Now they think we’ll pay £12.99/ month to watch their videos!
or 2.99 so I get to use some fancy emoji when leaving a comment. What planet are they on?


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
The whole GCN thing is messy.

GCN+ is awesome. Warner Bris buy it. They decide it’s not making enough money and shut it down…all that left is GCN on YouTube. The GCN people buy that bit back but then we lose Dan from the Breakaway.

I wish they’d told subscribers that they werent making enough money. I bet a good proportion would happily have doubled their subscription (or paid more) rather than lose it!
I'm getting increasingly cynical about big business, particularly in the entertainment and media spheres, but also in my industry too.

Decisions are made based, not on profit, but ego and "strategic plans". I believe that GCN+ wasn't yet making money, but very easily could have been heading that way. But would only have got there if there was someone in Disney who understood cycling, and didn't see it as another sports / entertainment activity to fit within the existing Disney profiles.

In my industry (no comments, no companies, no names) 'strategic decisions' have been made at board level which have compromised our ability to operate in several profitable markets, and have caused an associated loss of prestige. If we weren't part of a big company, the impact on us would have been fully understood. Not convinced that it has been in this case.

I could be wrong.


Senior Member

That's a bit much tbh. ISTR GCN+ was only about twice that per annum. Which is probably why they didn't make any money.

I was a bit taken aback when they said how much the tiers were. Also as I understood it, the £12.99 tier only allows you to watch the GCN+ videos that have already been made (and on a rotation at that) - I didn't catch any mention of making new videos.


Legendary Member
Given Eurosport player is closing quite clear they just want one player.

Indeed, and here in the UK the migration isn't yet finished, in 2026 it's expected that we'll be migrated to the WB discovery tv platform called "MAX" which will hopefully be more than a collection of poor quality reality tv shows with some sports bolted on, which will go some way towards making the platform competitive against it's online streaming rivals.


Reality on pricing is something media organisations have no concept of. £12.99 an annum would be more appropriate. Bit like the local hype up with stupid headlines news outlet which wants to charge more than a TV licence costs


Senior Member
It was more like £80 per annum. But charging close to twice as much for basically the same product without the racing is just taking the proverbial.

GCN+ was £39.99 a year at full price.

When it closed and the racing went to Discovery+ at £6.99, that was doubling the price of what GCN+ had cost.

I pay for Discovery+ so that I can watch the racing but I won't be paying £12.99 a month to GCN as well. I just don't think it's worth it.


Kilometre nibbler
The documentaries were a nice bonus to have with the racing, but they weren't the main event that I was paying for.

They need to decide what they are. A short video company or a documentary production company. If the latter they need to sell their output to other companies for streaming/broadcast whatever.


South Wales
GCN+ was £39.99 a year at full price.
So it was, looking back at my last receipt.

The £80+ per year is the discovery+

When it closed and the racing went to Discovery+ at £6.99, that was doubling the price of what GCN+ had cost.

I pay for Discovery+ so that I can watch the racing but I won't be paying £12.99 a month to GCN as well. I just don't think it's worth it.

Agreed. More than 3 times the cost, for less.
I was happy to pay the annual GCN+ fee, purely for the documentaries. I probably watched one a month - one a month new ones that is - so they were costing me about £3 each, which is fine. There's no way I'll be subscribing at the new price of four times more per month to watch them again though, especially if there are no new ones. That said, I might sign up for one month to watch several of those I'd like to see again as a one-off. For anyone who has several they'd like to watch, and can do so in a month, a single month's fee is pretty good value. I just can't see anyone subscribing on an on-going basis.
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