Game: Name that road!

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
It took a lot of searching along W to N facing coasts of Wales looking out over open sea. Unfortunately I started in Pembrokeshire so it took me a while to get up this far.
I don’t know how I missed that road! I cycled round the peninsula a few years ago and that was where I was looking. I thought that I had checked every steep road descending to the coast but that one was omitted... Well done!

I would like to go back there with my bike one day but next time it will be when the trains are not likely to be ridiculously overcrowded - my friend and I nearly didn't make it onto the train back with our bikes.

Mr Celine


I thought I might have a photo of that sign, but turns out mine is of the sign at the next cattlegrid about half a mile north of your location, looking south towards where your photo was taken.


Your NTR is here -


Minor road from Cranshaws to Innerwick, Berwickshire / East Lothian.


Legendary Member

Mr Celine


Kalemouth Suspension Bridge is currently closed (according to the signs) but the huge concrete blocks at each end enforcing the closure have been placed so that bikes can get past. Due to the cost of the necessary repairs it may never reopen to motor traffic. It had a 3 ton weight limit and a 5mph speed limit.
There are actually two rivers in the photo, the confluence of the Kale Water with the River Teviot is in the background.
Over to you @Mike_P


Legendary Member
Kalemouth Suspension Bridge is currently closed (according to the signs) but the huge concrete blocks at each end enforcing the closure have been placed so that bikes can get past. Due to the cost of the necessary repairs it may never reopen to motor traffic. It had a 3 ton weight limit and a 5mph speed limit.
There are actually two rivers in the photo, the confluence of the Kale Water with the River Teviot is in the background.
Over to you @Mike_P
Did they use all the funds refurbing the Union chain bridge downstream?

If Id know that was there I'd have been tempted to make a diversion from Kelso when we passed thru!

Mr Celine

Did they use all the funds refurbing the Union chain bridge downstream?
The Union Chain Bridge links Northumberland with the Scottish Borders, so there were two local authorities, two national governments plus national lottery etc to contribute to the £10m cost. It was also the oldest suspension bridge in the world still carrying motor vehicles which no doubt helped in attracting funding.

The Kalemouth Suspension Bridge is entirely within the Scottish Borders. Cost of repairs to the wooden deck alone were estimated at £1.1m in 2021, which is more than the council's entire bridge maintenance budget. They're still looking for external funding.

Both these bridges were designed by engineer and naval captain Sir Samuel Brown. The Union bridge opened in 1820, Kalemouth about ten years later.


Legendary Member
The Union Chain Bridge links Northumberland with the Scottish Borders, so there were two local authorities, two national governments plus national lottery etc to contribute to the £10m cost. It was also the oldest suspension bridge in the world still carrying motor vehicles which no doubt helped in attracting funding.

The Kalemouth Suspension Bridge is entirely within the Scottish Borders. Cost of repairs to the wooden deck alone were estimated at £1.1m in 2021, which is more than the council's entire bridge maintenance budget. They're still looking for external funding.

Both these bridges were designed by engineer and naval captain Sir Samuel Brown. The Union bridge opened in 1820, Kalemouth about ten years later.

Cheers for that, I was wondering if it was also a Samuel Brown bridge.


The radar mast suggests it must be near an airport, of which there's a few in a vicinity of Harrogate... no joy though.

You are sought of on the right track. The view is looking south. There's an even bigger clue in the photo to the road name which will be obvious when it is found.
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