Game: Name that road!

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South Wales
Found it.!1smCsihEBWKscfv11z_-8znQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


The road doesn't seem to have a name - But is shortly after leaving Tedstone Delamere.

Tedstone being bear rock.
Delamere Forest being in Cheshire.
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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Found it.!1smCsihEBWKscfv11z_-8znQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

View attachment 684507

The road doesn't seem to have a name - But is shortly after leaving Tedstone Delamere.

Tedstone being bear rock.
Delamere Forest being in Cheshire.

Well done @Alex321 . No name for the road as far as I'm aware. Furthermore I need not explain my clues either. Over to you.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Riding with a group organised by Ed Laverack - who is the cyclist ahead of me ColinJ was suggesting was risking life & limb
The picture reminded me of a few times when I had gone into a bend 'too hot', which is even worse when the road is wet!

(One such time I encountered a huge horse just round the bend and nearly inserted my head up its rectum! :laugh:)


One such time I encountered a huge horse just round the bend and nearly inserted my head up its rectum! :laugh:
So that's the reason horses are likely to go mental as you overtake them!

A work colleague in a road race went round a bend fast almost next to the middle of road as a motorcyclist was doing to same in the other direction; resultant impact by the mirror on the motorbike caused his right arm to almost split in half longways.
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self serving virtue signaller
Reminded me immediately of the Hirnant pass from Vrynwy to Bala.

But I can't find a match.

I wonder how similar the streetview is given the plantations?

It looks Welsh, so probably Norfolk!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Thank you, @Alex321.

Another road with no obvious name. I'm sure it's been called many things!

View attachment 685501
No idea where it is but it looks lovely.
Yes, that IS a fine road! It is the kind of place that I love to ride so I will be interested to find out where it is.

So that's the reason horses are likely to go mental as you overtake them!
Ha ha - one of 2 encounters with horses that make me extremely cautious with them now!

A work colleague in a road race went round a bend fast almost next to the middle of road as a motorcyclist was doing to same in the other direction; resultant impact by the mirror on the motorbike caused bus right arm to almost split in half longways.

I was out on my bike once and came to an emergency road closure on a local hilltop lane. A police officer told me that a similar thing had happened between a motorcycle and a car. The motorcyclist was just being put into an air ambulance helicopter in an adjacent field. They eventually let me through to avoid a huge detour, but I had to walk my bike along the grass verge to avoid disturbing evidence which might be used in an accident enquiry.


Putrid Donut
The road is a well-known cycling challenge, and I'm sure someone here must have ridden it. It's featured on decisive stages of the Milk Race but I don't think it's featured on any of the more recent professional variants.

Heading westwards, by the time you reach the spot in the picture the devilish part is well behind you.
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