Game: Name that road!

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Mr Celine

Looks reminiscent of the Welsh Hills from Englandshire in the blue far distant yonder
No part of Wales is visible from this location. Today's cryptic clue -

Look West ruther than east.
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Kilometre nibbler
Was Sir Walter Scott's wife from the hills behind me?

The Bride of Lammermoor?


Putrid Donut
I think this is it. The clues suddenly came into alignment:!1sQTzaNd6ves-V7x9qNq0gKQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


A mile or so northish from Westruther. How I didn't get the Blackadder clue earlier I don't know. :banghead:

Mr Celine

Well done @Aravis , over to you. For those who didn't get the clues (everyone else :laugh:) the village straight ahead is Westruther. Directly behind me is Twin Law, so called because of the two massive cairns on the summit, which are visible from where my photo is taken but they don't show up well, particularly on streetview. Twin Law is on the southern edge of the Lammermuir, or the Lammermoor as Scott spelled it. Rowan's River is the Blackadder Water.
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