Game: Name that road!

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The view north-west across Upper Loch Torridon from the A896 can be made to reproduce the left-hand few peaks quite well, but not so much the hills to the right of the picture or the foreground.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Where's the road ? or do we change the title of the thread to name that view ?
Funnily enough, I nicked the idea from the then walking forum where they were talking about views from mountain summits.

We have gradually slipped away from my original idea which was to feature exciting roads which we have enjoyed riding on, and which would encourage other people to ride them. It has become more of a puzzle than a source of ideas for new cycling trips.

I would definitely like to ride around the area in that painting but it would be good to see the actual road as well as the view.

I definitely would NOT like to ride round Coventry ring road, as posted by someone a few years back! :laugh:


Putrid Donut
I've found it, sort of, in that this painting clearly depicts the same scene:


But the link is a major disappointment. I may have to create an account... :scratch:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
i found that picture too @Aravis. Looking at the artists' stomping grounds, it could possibly be Northern Ireland rather than Scotland
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