Game: Name that road!

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Hmm... looks rural to me. Possibly Yorkshire, or Lancashire, or erm... anywhere above or below the north/south divide


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
This is a popular hillclimb... but I've only cycled down it.



a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
That is pretty distinctive. I think I would remember it if I had been up (or down) it but I don't, so I obviously haven't been!
it's more my neck of the woods than yours Colin.

...and it is off the beaten track so unlikely for a road biker to come across it.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
No takers yet?

The big clue in post #1685 was 'hill climb'... and it's in my neck of the woods.

Here's a picture off the interweb of that corner from another angle which might help...



ps... it's a publicish road... in so much the google car went up it so it is on streetview,


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Barbon Manor hill climb near Kirkby Lonsdale
View attachment 572054

Clue was a bit of a giveaway. I just googled "motor hill climbs", found this website and picked the right one at random first time.

I'll post something this evening
well done... I figured the crash barrier would make it obvious it was a motor hill climb track, but maybe not... hence the bigger clue :smile:

It's part of a really nice route north of Kirkby Lonsdale, but a lovely section of bridleway from the crossing of the beck and the top of the hill climb track makes it (possibly) unsuitable for roadies. The pub in Barbon's not bad either :smile:



Kilometre nibbler
I'm resisting the urge to use Streetview, but I'm running out of photos that show roads. This one took rather a lot of work to obscure the signpost.

As a clue, I can say a lot of cyclists have passed this way, and many stopped here for a breather.

This photo taken before I lost my treasured white bottle. :sad: I miss that bottle. Its replacement just isn't the same.
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