@Milkfloat 'Everest' that hill (8,848m being the altitude of the summit of Mt.Everest)
I rode the Costwold Challenge twice. The route took us along the, er, edge of Edge Hill and then down the road that
@Milkfloat's picture is looking up. We turned off to the right on the descent and went past an MoD base. The first time, I rescued an older rider who was intent on carrying on down the hill. I could tell from his positioning on the road that he was not going to turn so I sprinted down the hill to catch him before the turn and shouted "
Cotswold Challenge?" He replied "
Yes!" so I braked while shouting after him that he had missed the turn, turned right and waited. He eventually came back up the hill and admitted that he wasn't quite sure of that part of the route. I had it on my Garmin so he did the rest of the event with me. He was in his 70s, about 20 years older than me at the time, but he was probably slightly fitter than me. A couple of times I found myself drifting off his wheel.