Froome and Wiggins TUEs

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So are the ones who didn't win gold failures then, in that way of thinking?

It depends on what their aims and objectives were at the outset.:okay:

It was their methods that was being questioned and wether it was worth the cost.

Nope, here's the conversation...
Sir Clive Woodward is another coaching guru whose methodology and practices have reaped enormous levels of success in so many sports and yet he doesn't get vilified for doing so.


IMV, the Marginal Gains stuff is just yet another branding of a continuous improvement process - it is neither new nor radical. As for management style, compare and contrast with Ferguson at MU. I thought the BBC program was reasonable but I would have preferred it if they had drawn more of a distinction between the track and the road teams and BC and Sky (which was always a problem). The point that keeps getting missed is that there was a lack of corporate governance. There should have been processes in place to test backups and record keeping. The responsibility for that failure lies with Brailsford. Irrespective of Shane Sutton’s coaching ability, he should never have been put in charge of a operational organisation. I doubt he will ever have the skills for that and I doubt if he receive any management training


I’m not sure I agree with the gist of this
They've been shown to have used the TUE system to supply PEDs to one rider
. The reason TUEs exist is to allow teams to supply otherwise banned drugs subject to medical approval. This applies not only to Sky but riders who get TUEs to allow bee stings etc to be treated

How far does the “if one did it, they all did it” go. Are you including Cooke, Hoy, Kenny(s), Pooley etc?

I agree that the TUE system has to be changed and having a couple of independent and trustworthy doctors making the assessment would be a start. How that squares with reviewing the decisions and confidentiality is another matter.
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