Froome and Wiggins TUEs

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
you have terrible hay fever , tough sh!t, its not a good idea to race through france at the height of summer then.....good bye,.... shut the door on your way out,... same goes for everybody.
Could have tried other treatments but I don't think we know whether he did or what and with the medical records gone, it'll never be certain :sad:


Not sure what I was expecting from the BBC programme, but it didn't deliver much at all.
Didnt get chance to watch it last night as one tv had that "celebrity sh1te" on and other kids had with playstation on.Guess who comes last in my house ! Ill watch tonight but im guessing its a lot of what everybody allready knew.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Didnt get chance to watch it last night as one tv had that "celebrity sh1te" on and other kids had with playstation on.Guess who comes last in my house ! Ill watch tonight but im guessing its a lot of what everybody allready knew.
I was watching the Gent six day highlights and forgot it. It's repeated 2320 Wed except Northern Ireland.


It did get over Brailsford "marginal gains at any cost" mentality and Suttons brutal methods.
Which if not illegal hasn't half worked !


Puzzle game procrastinator!
It did get over Brailsford "marginal gains at any cost" mentality and Suttons brutal methods.
I thought it was almost funny to see the scary intensity of Shane Sutton saying that he was too small to be scary! I had a teacher like him at school and he scared everybody despite only being about 5' 4" tall. It isn't about size, it's about attitude, charisma and power. I dwarf Sutton but he scared me even on the TV - in real life, I would run a mile from someone like him. Having your whole career dependent on pleasing him would be incredibly stressful.

He might be a lot smaller than (say) Wiggins but you can imagine how intimidated Emma Pooley must have felt when he turned that intensity on her.

I thought the faces of Sutton and Brailsford said even more than their words ...
I thought it was almost funny to see the scary intensity of Shane Sutton saying that he was too small to be scary! I had a teacher like him at school and he scared everybody despite only being about 5' 4" tall. It isn't about size, it's about attitude, charisma and power. I dwarf Sutton but he scared me even on the TV - in real life, I would run a mile from someone like him. Having your whole career dependent on pleasing him would be incredibly stressful.

He might be a lot smaller than (say) Wiggins but you can imagine how intimidated Emma Pooley must have felt when he turned that intensity on her.

I thought the faces of Sutton and Brailsford said even more than their words ...

Yep, the 'how can anyone be scared of me because I'm not very big' was weird. Does he actually think that given his personality and position, people wouldn't be intimidated by him?
I watched the prog. last night and I have watched and read so many things about these truly exceptional team bosses and coaches in years gone by.

For Christs sake any and all of these sports competitors (no matter what sport) should be in it to bloody well win, if you come second then you have failed.

I was the same in business, in my business anyone I employed knew from day one that they had to win, they had to get orders and if they didn't, they were soon on their way to the unemployment exchange!!

Way back in my school boy days I was very fortunate to have 2 games masters who somehow found those who were willing to push themselves into the grey mist of pain over and over again and in so doing, building up their muscular strength as well as and far more importantly their personal levels of sheer blood and guts will to win almost at any cost.

Personally I can't stand the attitude held by so many people that they have done well to compete................ total, complete and utter bo--ocks, in my most humble of opinions, anyone who doesn't win has lost and that is what is so great by the two brilliant people who were lambasted in last nights programme.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I watched the prog. last night and I have watched and read so many things about these truly exceptional team bosses and coaches in years gone by.

For Christs sake any and all of these sports competitors (no matter what sport) should be in it to bloody well win, if you come second then you have failed.

I was the same in business, in my business anyone I employed knew from day one that they had to win, they had to get orders and if they didn't, they were soon on their way to the unemployment exchange!!

Way back in my school boy days I was very fortunate to have 2 games masters who somehow found those who were willing to push themselves into the grey mist of pain over and over again and in so doing, building up their muscular strength as well as and far more importantly their personal levels of sheer blood and guts will to win almost at any cost.

Personally I can't stand the attitude held by so many people that they have done well to compete................ total, complete and utter bo--ocks, in my most humble of opinions, anyone who doesn't win has lost and that is what is so great by the two brilliant people who were lambasted in last nights programme.
Full marks for effort this teem but Fuzzy Beans must learn to talk less in class.
C minus


I dont think there was anything new or shocking to be seen.Did anybody not think it would be ruthless ? I did notice there was no mention really of Froome,couple of gratuitous shots of him.I havent bothered to look but how many of the other teams/riders were using TUEs ? From this programme i have the same view as before that they went to the line.Morally wrong maybe,illegal no.I hope ! As for Miller (as much as i like him,and i do!) Having your dreams shattered ? I dont think so..
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