FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast Brighton 23rd November

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Dog on a bike
2164063 said:
you are almost as inflexible as Frank
Nope cos I do accept it's possible to not do SMRbtH at all and to get drunk to a level where you could be considered actively dangerous in traffic instead

Tim Hall

Did someone mention Devil's Dyke? Can't we have a usual route that doesn't involve that stupid road?

I may peel off before Crawley otherwise it'll be the nasty dual carriageway to Horsham. Need to figure out a route.
Simplest is to peel off at Pease Pottage services. Head West on the Colgate Road (towards The Black Swan). It runs more or less parallel with the nasty dual carriageway, although on a bit of a ridge. Colgate is the summit then its a nice run down to Roffey, which is the back end of Horsham.


Dog on a bike
Hey! You're not even on this ride, you big girl's blouse! You lack the moral authority to comment on the route of the SMRbtH.
I wasn't aware that I had the moral authority to comment on anything in the first place. Like you, I just stick my oar in as and when I feel like it :tongue:


pre-talced and mighty
Adrian C
Al M
Alex B
Andrew By
Andrew F
Andrij B
Charlie B
Chris By
Claudine C
Danny E
Dave J
David C
David H
Eric B
Frank P
Gordon P
Howard K
Iain H
Ian At
Ian B
Jack H
Jenna St. J
Jenny M
Jim G
John G
John K
John T
Jonathan W
Keith T
Kevon R
Malcolm D
Marcus Ca
Martin B
Michael A
Mick D
Miranda S
Moses A
Nigel C
Nigel T
Olaf S
Peter D
Rob H
Ross C
Ross T
Sandra S
Steve D
Steve J
Stuart A
Susie F
Tacey L
Thom F
Tim D
Tim O
Werner W


Minkowski Space
I wasn't aware that I had the moral authority to comment on anything in the first place. Like you, I just stick my oar in as and when I feel like it :tongue:

It's almost as if you're saying that's a bad thing.

anyway, why aren't you on this ride? Are we not good enough for you, eh? Eh?
Just think, the beery debrief session's closer to the station - imagine the fun you could have! :thumbsup:


Dog on a bike
It's almost as if you're saying that's a bad thing.

anyway, why aren't you on this ride? Are we not good enough for you, eh? Eh?
Just think, the beery debrief session's closer to the station - imagine the fun you could have! :thumbsup:
I've lost my long distance riding mojo. Struggling to be bothered to ride those kinds of distances so taking a short break. I will be back though.


pre-talced and mighty
I've lost my long distance riding mojo. Struggling to be bothered to ride those kinds of distances so taking a short break. I will be back though.
that's it mate. From now on you will be Mr. Martin Mojo. Or Mr. Martin Mojonogo.


Arse. The weather has shifted around again. From the Met Office website:

Valid from: 0005 on Sat 24 Nov 2012
Valid to: 2359 on Sun 25 Nov 2012

There is potential for another spell of persistent and heavy rain to spread from the south to affect the southern half of the UK over the weekend. This will also be accompanied by strong to gale force winds which could exacerbate any possible disruption.

The public should be aware of the potential for further localised flooding and disruption to transport. There is uncertainty in the severity and timing of the wind and rain and the areas affected and the public are advised to keep in touch with updates to this warning.


pre-talced and mighty
Tim. Relax. The rain is not scheduled to hit us until after we have gone (if you see what I mean). Having said that the ride back is going to be interesting. I'll be in the pub, but I expect the tough guys to up periscopes and report in every now and again.

I should point out that I 'arrived' at Cycle Chat's Informal Rides page courtesy of a link from the new improved FNRttC blogthingy. Just saying.........

Then again the 'News' section has a link that takes you direct to the weather forecast for Gatwick. Just saying.........


Actually, the forecast keeps on changing (not that that's ever happened before!)

Last night there was rain from midnight onwards, both on XCWeather, and the MetOffice. Now it's reverted to being drier from midnight through to noon, thankfully.

There's a good chance it could all change again (possibly several times), so I guess it's just a waiting game until we're a lot closer. As you said previously though, it's definitely a night for carrying waterproofs (and probably some spare dry clothes!)
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