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Top tip spider - interesting that, sportingly, they only claim an original price of £2.49. Some London bike shops offer it for pushing a fiver. Can only think that they sell it to mamils who use lubricating mousse or whatever on their bikes.
Have never ventured inside a B&M shop - must do - damn curious name and plug ugly logo doesn't do them favours.


Legendary Member
Sabbath Aspire Titanium 105 triple, a little over a grand now

Medium frame, so I think for 5'10+


N Ireland
I know Vulpine have a fantastic reputation, but my very limited experience isn't great. I have a pair of their "Gravel Shorts", which have a RRP of £65. They don't seem any better made than other, much cheaper, shorts I've owned and although they've not had a great deal of use they are wearing noticeably in the seat.

They're not bad, but even at sale prices I wouldn't rush to buy any more.

I see Vulpine have noted on their site that they will repair damaged clothing. Have you tried contacting them to see if that is possible? I'm still waiting on my order to arrive as things stand.

In keeping with the thread, it is worth checking out your local Halfords clearance bins at this time of year. At the weekend I got over £200 worth of gear for £70.
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Boardman Hybrid Team 2016 , Boardman Hybrid Comp

Anyone got any experience of the RBS Hoolie gloves ? A few reviews on the site and they look good for £12 delivered ? The RBS waterproof commuter jacket looks good for £25 too ...... Tempted


Boardman Hybrid Team 2016 , Boardman Hybrid Comp
Think I will go for it then. Wondering if the jackets come up small like the gloves do according to all of the reports ........


Boardman Hybrid Team 2016 , Boardman Hybrid Comp
Cheers Chris
The site crashed twice on me when trying to order , perhaps its trying to tell me something ......


I love all my polaris stuff other than one pair of gloves. They are great when on, but I feel the inner needs sowing to outer on the finger tips.
I have the really thin windproof rbs gloves and like them.
I so have quite a lot of their stuff now though :smile:
I was after some bar ends, and I go past Halfords often, so I called in and ended up with some bar ends containing tools for £8 reduced from £20. They're not as light as they could be on account of the tools, but as I'm terrible for remembering to bring any they could be useful - the tools seem decent enough for emergency use. You get all the basics including a chain breaker.
Went to take a look at those and they are understandably chunky, but I was surprised nevertheless.
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