Sorry if this is a highjack
I keep getting tight calfs..had planter fascia and that took some shifting ,physio and stretching etc..
would rolling one of these rollers work on calfs ? If yes do you just sit on the floor and lift your backside up and move back and forth ?
It depends where you are tight. I find Foam rolling helps just above the knee where the hamstrings insert, point your toes left or right as you do it. It doesn't help me much for the back of the leg, instead I lie on my back and raise a straight leg, keeoing the other leg flat. For higher up, I put one leg on a stair, keep the other toe pointed forward and bend forward from the hip, keeping your back straight and shoulders square. As Vickster said, a holistic approach is probably better but concentrating on a sore area will sort it out short term.hmm would this be any good for hamstrings, well I have pain at top of hamstring area. Always get it after a hard session cycling, maybe I just need to stretch more