FNRttC 4th September to Whitstable 2009

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wayfinding is cool

once I'd got past my 'sorry we thought you were having a piss, you need to be more demonstrative' phase

it's amazing how spread out people get


Here for rides.
Simon, on learning of my zip tied mudguards clearly put a curse on me. I am full of phlegm. I therefore must withdraw. Email duly sent.

Have fun folks, have fun. I'm not jealous.



Senior Member
Sorry, I am going to have to cry off this one. I already have a sleep debt this week and I have meetings in Hatfield for work tomorrow which mean it will be a 12 hour working day. I don't fancy getting home at 7pm to be out again by 10:15.

And I was doing so well for collecting the whole set this year
Email sent.



I've got to bale out due to family commitments and the weather doesn't look too great either :thumbsup: Shame as I was looking forward to my first Fnrttc as well....oh well maybe the next one

have fun everyone.
email sent

Dan B

Disengaged member
Best of luck everyone, and may the p#ncture fairy have unavoidable commitments elsewhere. I'm off for what I would otherwise describe as a dirty weekend in Bath, except that "dirty" and "Bath" aren't really two words that seem well suited.

mike e

Yes, best of luck everyone, have a great ride and hope the weather is ok for you and that dawn at sheep or cow (or whatever animal) field is as spectacular as last year.

You all know how much I would love to be there but that family wedding is just so much more appealing....................................................or not!

Only up until a couple of days ago plans to be at this ride were still been hatched, drive car from Hull to Whitstable, train back into town, the ride, car back to Hull. This I concluded was largely optimistic based on lack of sleep, lot's of traffic driving back on a Saturday, my car not been overly fast and turning up at the wedding looking and smelling like I'd not showered or slept for the last 24 hours, which would actually be the case.

A-la-Dragons Den - "For these reasons I'm out!!"

:smile::sad::sad: :thumbsup::cry::biggrin:


Legendary Member
ChrisM said:
I've got to bale out due to family commitments and the weather doesn't look too great either :thumbsup: Shame as I was looking forward to my first Fnrttc as well....oh well maybe the next one

have fun everyone.
email sent

Mild, dry conditions with a tailwind - what more do you want!?


Hello there
MacB said:
but it may be dark!



To stem the sudden bail outs, Tynan has the green light and is good to go

barring all the usual unforseeables natch


pre-talced and mighty
Adam B
Captain Adam Kirk
Adrian C
Al MacD
Alan B
Alan L
Alastair S
Alina E
Andrea W
Andy A
Andrew A
Andrew T
Andy C
Anthony McC
Barry J
Ben P
Charlotte S
Chris B
Chris T
Claudine C
Clive B
Colin C
Conan H
Dan P
Davy S
Des O'D
Els V
Helen B
Ian S
Isa T
Jack M
Jane D
Jason F
Jo H
John G
User10571 B
Katie C
Katsura I
Kim W
Lee 1010
Lisa C
Louise L
Luke C
Marco C
Martin F
Matt L
Michelle de V
Mick D
Ned L
Nicholas T
Peter W
Richard C
Ruth C
Scott E
Steev D
Stephen B
Stuart A
Tanya G
Tim H
Tim Hall
Tim O
Tony S
Tynan D
Will A-C
William C
Titus H
Peter M
Andrew V
Jack F
Alice M

70. Following wind, not particularly warm, but not cold, overcast. Could be good.


Silencing his legs regularly
Still in, got the OK from the boss to leave work at 8ish. Looks like I'll be on the Jetstream rather than giving the Viner its first night outing (buckled a rear wheel on my hols in Wales, still awaiting the set of Fulcrum 5s I ordered..grrr).
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