First few miles a struggle

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Legendary Member

Here's my first ride I've put on here, this was on my mtb but I do have rides for my road bike as well..

Being an old coddger of 61 I wont be trying to race as my targets will be a better average and better distance.. I would like to improve but not race and bearing in mind its 50c in the summer up here.

I will put a road one on later today..

Give it a couple of months and using veloviewer (yes go google it now, it is worth it!) and you will be sat looking at your stats thinking along the lines of,"mmmm, I am only x seconds of KOM on that segment, I could do that......" and you are hooked, Strava is worse than heroin, get out now while you still have the chance.


Vikings fan myself(made to convert when I married), but I live over here, and lunch with a Green Bay Packers Fan. Great fun.
There's a separate thread in here somewhere...who did you have to leave to support the vikings?

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Yes, it truly has worked out well. In my area, most people root for the Bears, Packers, or Rams, with quite a few Vikings and Colts fans around as well. Baseball is the real polarizing force.
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