My vanguard ISA is running at around 9% again (I have low and medium risk options)
and the possible 0.25% rise by Bank of England on Thursday..
also, lots of national holidays for various international markets this week means trading levels are lower than normal, in theory
Shares ISA currently a disaster (-5.15% today)
Ditto. I started mine in January and it's not been in a positive yet. However, it's a £250 monthly contribution that I'll add to and am aiming to leave untouched for at least 8 years, so I can use it to top up pension amounts once I retire. Or at least that's the plan.
Ditto. I started mine in January and it's not been in a positive yet. However, it's a £250 monthly contribution that I'll add to and am aiming to leave untouched for at least 8 years, so I can use it to top up pension amounts once I retire. Or at least that's the plan.
Shares ISA currently a disaster (-5.15% today)
£75 on the PBs this month
lost 28% in twelve months