Films that you've never seen.

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South Wales
There really are some fantastic films in there!

Probably, but I just don't watch all that many films.

I've been married for 43 years, and I think my wife & I have been to maybe half a dozen films in the cinema during that time, and she has been to one with a friend, rather than with me (Mamma Mia).

We watch films occasionally on TV or DVD, but still only a few per year. And a lot of the ones I do watch don't appear in that list or similar.

Mrs M

Probably easier to list the films I have seen 😬

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln

And Mary Poppins, Gone With The Wind, The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Some more from the IMDB top 100 MOVIES list...
  • Schindler's List
  • Raging Bull
  • Ben-Hur
  • Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Titanic
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • My Fair Lady
  • Doctor Zhivago
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • Network

Highly recommend Dr. Zhivago, Grapes of Wrath, and Network.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I just went and had a look at the IMDB top 100. Or at least the first 50.
There are 38 in that first 50 that I haven't seen:
The Shawshank redemption
The Godfather
The Dark knighht
Schindler's List
The Godfather Part II
Pulp Fiction
12th Fail
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Silence of eth Lambvs
Spider-Man acrosee teh Spider-verse
Termoinator 2: Judgment day
The Green Mile
City of God
Spirited Away
Saving Private Ryan
Life is Beautiful
Seven Samurai
It's a Wonderful Life
The Prestige
The Departed
The Lion King
American History X
The usual Suspects
The pianist

Seen most of them, great movies all.
From the big films of the past 40(?) years, off the top of my head (& other peoples lists)

Any of the Star Wars films (although Mark Hamill was the best Joker by far!!)
None of the Godfather series
Dirty Dancing
Pulp Fiction

Doubtless a lot of others that did well at the box-office


South Glos
I've never seen Sound of Music all the way through although I strongly I suspect I've watched enough bits to have seen the entire film.

No Godfather, Schindlers List, Harry Potter, Saving Private Ryan, Star Wars after the original trilogy, Frozen, Lion King, Gone with the wind, ET, Psycho, The Usual Suspects... I could go on, but I don't want to.

I have seen Dogs in Space though.


South Wales
I’ve looked back the list of Academy Award winners for Best Picture and got back to 2003 before there was one I’ve seen.

Same here for winner, though there are two more recent nominations I have seen (Avatar - 2009 and Django Unchained - 2012).

I've seen three of the winners from the 90's, one from the 80's, three from the 70's, four from the 60's, and one each from the 50's, 40's, 30's.

So I have seen a grand total of 15 winners.


Devotee of OCD
I'm not really much of a watcher of TV. Let alone Films.

If i was on my own i possibly wouldnt even bother having one. Getting all the news, sport i do watch on the net. Which i where i prefer to spend time researching various hobbies, interests etc. And stuff thats just more specific......

So. From that.......i watched half of ET before i fell asleep and spilled most of my maltesers over the Cinema floor. Some of one of the Star Wars films before i walked out - leaving the rest of the party to it. And most of American Werewolf in London - before i got so scared i couldnt watch the end (I was young).

So whilst not directly answering the question. Its a darn sight shorter post than listing all those i havent watched :wacko:
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