Mad Doug -
I absolututely agree with you about The Hitch Hikers Guide. I've been a fan of the original radio series for years and the TV version, which covers season1 ep 1-6, is good too as they adapted the radio scripts.
However, the movie is just pants for three reasons:
1) Douglas Adams himself was never satisfied with it and fiddled with the story to introduce all that crap about Trillian being kidnapped by Vogons and the Point-of-view-gun. That never happened in the radio series!.
2) After his death, the studio cut a lot of the gags (the famous opening joke about beware-of-the leopard is missing), presumably to help the movie be better understood in the US. It was painful to watch for me, as I could recite lots of the famous lines and gags from memory

3) Two idiot producers with no big movie experience and whose only previous work had included pop videos. Giving them a project of this complexity to produce is like giving the Lord of the Rings trilogy to someone who directs Hollyoaks.
I was so looking forward to the movie version, only for it to be s**te

. Almost as bad as the Thunderbirds film.
For those new to the Hitchers Guide, don't bother with the movie - it sucks big time. Get the BBC CD's of the first two radio seasons, put them on and lose yourself in the glory of it

Mad Doug - burn it but keep the box for other DVD's.