Films that should never be remade.

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Not all remakes are bad, IMVHO. I thought that Cape Fear was great, and that the 1976 King Kong was fabulous.
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I shudder to think of an American version of Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.


Well-Known Member
Perfectly serviceable subtitled films remade in "American".

Exactly - [REC] (Portugal) was remade less than a year later into Quarantine (USA). I'm not saying [REC] was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but what is the point of releasing an identical movie? A quick buck and pandering to lazy Americans unwilling to see a foreign film....



P.S. I do think [REC] is better than sliced bread :biggrin:
... or Nikita remade 3 years later for the US market as Point of No Return. You could run the 2 side by side and the only difference would be one being in French with subtitles.


Perfectly serviceable subtitled films badly dubbed...
A letter from The Times:

Some years back I dated an American who was a graduate student at the Sorbonne. When in France, he would try to improve his conversation skills by attending American movies with French subtitles.

One, a Western, featured a cavalry officer and his men charging up a hill where the Indians and their chief waited silently. The officer greeted the chief who raised his hand and said: "How!" This was translated in the subtitles as "Enchanté".


A Velocipedian
[quote name='swee'pea99' timestamp='1313488939' post='1800106']
A letter from The Times:

Some years back I dated an American who was a graduate student at the Sorbonne. When in France, he would try to improve his conversation skills by attending American movies with French subtitles.

One, a Western, featured a cavalry officer and his men charging up a hill where the Indians and their chief waited silently. The officer greeted the chief who raised his hand and said: "How!" This was translated in the subtitles as "Enchanté".




a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I often wonder how accurate the subtitles are... I downloaded the second series of The Killing (swedish cop drama) but the subtitles were so bad i gave up after two episodes.
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