Legendary Member
Navvies consumed about 8000 calories a day, they weren't morbidly obese because they using all they ate. I get people telling me I eat too much, they can't understand why my BMI is only 17-18 because it doesn't occur to them that if you want to eat lots of calories you have to burn them never saw as many morbidly obese people about then as you do these days.
Try reading this paying particular attention to the section on self serving bias:I don't know why this is so upsetting for some people.
"Ask a couple to estimate what percentage of the housework they each do, and the answers add up to more than 100%.
Managers seldom hear an employee complain "That's not fair, you're paying me too much". 90% of employees rate themselves above average, as do 90% of managers.
Most drivers who have been hospitalised after an accident rate themselves as safer and more skilled than average.
Compared with average, most people think themselves more intelligent, more attractive, more ethical, and less prejudiced.
Social psychologists, who know about self serving bias, also rate themselves as more ethical than average.
On average, people think they are going to live 10 years longer than their predicted lifespan.
75% of people think they look younger than their peers.
People think they have a better chance of getting to heaven than mother Theresa.
Nobody rates themselves as below average in their ability to get along with others, 25% rate themselves in the top 1%.
People overestimate the number of those who agree with their opinions.
Failings are normal, talents are unique.
Self serving bias is most apparent in relation to socially desirable traits that can't easily be measured objectively."
Like diet.