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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I trust we are all remembering that the main physical (medical) purpose and benefit of the 5:2 fasting regime (note, NOT "diet") is improved health and longevity. :wahhey:

Any weight loss is a bonus by-product. :thumbsup:

For references, look further up the thread - I have mentioned this before … :rolleyes:
That is why I intend to stick with it even when I no longer have flab to lose; I will just have to start eating more on the non-fasting days. Suits me - I love eating! :smile:


Legendary Member
I trust we are all remembering that the main physical (medical) purpose and benefit of the 5:2 fasting regime (note, NOT "diet") is improved health and longevity. :wahhey:

Any weight loss is a bonus by-product. :thumbsup:

For references, look further up the thread - I have mentioned this before … :rolleyes:

some think of it like that, for others the weight loss is the only factor of importance - the other aspects are still to be proven by proper research.


I have just started this and am on my 2nd fast day this week.
Im around 5'9 and weighed myself before xmas and was 14st 10lbs

Hopefully the lbs will start falling off!

david k

North West
It's going well for me but weight is jumping all over the place, I recon I've lost at least 5 lbs in the first two weeks

This diet works well with my job

Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
7 years ago I weighed at least 24-25 stone (got to the point where I was too scared to weigh myself).

Now weigh 11 and a half stone, including at least a stone - I would estimate - of extra muscle I didn't have back then.

All achieved on at least 3000 calories a day, lots of exercise and a subsequent rise in metabolism. Not a diet book or celery stick anywhere to be seen.

For me, that extra muscle mass, exercise, and increase metabolic rate allows me to eat absolutely anything I want without putting on weight. :rolleyes: Actually eat more now than I did when I was obese!

Actually thinking about writing a book on the theme. - self published, obviously!! :whistle:

Edit. Having said all that, I can appreciate the merits of incorporating fasting days into your weekly routine. My Uncle, a retired GP, has been doing something similar since the late sixties! :ohmy:


Über Member
Fasting does work but all it does is restrict you calorie intake if you normally eat 3000 calories a day and then do nothing else apart from fast at 600 cal for two days you reduce your weekly intake by 4800 cal enough to lose aprox 1.5lbs. There is no magic every diet comes down to one factor calories out > calories in thats it! but I'm sure someone else must have said that in the preceding 45 pages :-)


Legendary Member
Fasting does work but all it does is restrict you calorie intake if you normally eat 3000 calories a day and then do nothing else apart from fast at 600 cal for two days you reduce your weekly intake by 4800 cal enough to lose aprox 1.5lbs. There is no magic every diet comes down to one factor calories out > calories in thats it! but I'm sure someone else must have said that in the preceding 45 pages :-)

yep - all "diets" essentially work in the same way. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. The trick is finding a regime you find easy to follow

david k

North West
Fasting does work but all it does is restrict you calorie intake if you normally eat 3000 calories a day and then do nothing else apart from fast at 600 cal for two days you reduce your weekly intake by 4800 cal enough to lose aprox 1.5lbs. There is no magic every diet comes down to one factor calories out > calories in thats it! but I'm sure someone else must have said that in the preceding 45 pages :-)
I agree, however for some that isn't easy to do for various reasons. The 5 2 seems an achievable approach for me. The other factor is metabolism, I have an u der active thyroid, if anyone has one they will know the difficulties this brings

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Fasted today, didn't think I would as we had my wife,s birthday weekend with lots of good and unhealthy food. I was thinking about fasting until I stood on the scales this morning, when I decided it was a definite. Wasn't too bad, considering.

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