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Hi all,
I've been doing this 5:2for a few months now and coping o.k., I stick to light breakfast and a light evening lunch, total 600cal
But I do struggle the next day after a fast ,
Ok, I do a lot on the fast day, as I like to keep busy, I do anything , like a three hour bike ride, walk the dog three times and do some house work.etc.
I feel good. But I do drink alot of water and have a black coffee at lunch time, just to keep me going.
But the next day I am useless. Even though I am eating loads , i just can't catch up,
I guess it's all because I loose to much weight, I know you shouldn't weigh yourself to much, but i do loose 2kilo on a fast day


Hi all,
I've been doing this 5:2for a few months now and coping o.k., I stick to light breakfast and a light evening lunch, total 600cal
But I do struggle the next day after a fast ,
Ok, I do a lot on the fast day, as I like to keep busy, I do anything , like a three hour bike ride, walk the dog three times and do some house work.etc.
I feel good. But I do drink alot of water and have a black coffee at lunch time, just to keep me going.
But the next day I am useless. Even though I am eating loads , i just can't catch up,
I guess it's all because I loose to much weight, I know you shouldn't weigh yourself to much, but i do loose 2kilo on a fast day

It's simply not possible to lose 2 kg in a day because that amounts to 15,400 calories. You're experiencing a (not unusual) fluctuation with water content which normally resets within a day or 2.


It's simply not possible to lose 2 kg in a day because that amounts to 15,400 calories. You're experiencing a (not unusual) fluctuation with water content which normally resets within a day or 2.

I am only going on what the scales are reading,
I take a reading first thing in the morning and last thing at night, it says , a loss of 2 kilo.
This is what happens to me. O.k. it might not be possible, but it happens.


Legendary Member
It's simply not possible to lose 2 kg in a day because that amounts to 15,400 calories. You're experiencing a (not unusual) fluctuation with water content which normally resets within a day or 2.

I am only going on what the scales are reading,
I take a reading first thing in the morning and last thing at night, it says , a loss of 2 kilo.
This is what happens to me. O.k. it might not be possible, but it happens.

You should be taking comparable readings ie same time of day.

First thing in the morning after..... Errm.... Unloading.... Is best for consistent comparisons.


It's simply not possible to lose 2 kg in a day because that amounts to 15,400 calories. You're experiencing a (not unusual) fluctuation with water content which normally resets within a day or 2.

I am only going on what the scales are reading,
I take a reading first thing in the morning and last thing at night, it says , a loss of 2 kilo.
This is what happens to me. O.k. it might not be possible, but it happens.
I understand what you are saying, but as others have said it's best to do it first thing in the morning so that you get consistent results.
I have also weighed myself first thing in morning and last thing at night and the scales should a gain of 7pounds!!
Jumped back on next morning and was back to normal; I thought wtf!


Legendary Member
It's simply not possible to lose 2 kg in a day because that amounts to 15,400 calories. You're experiencing a (not unusual) fluctuation with water content which normally resets within a day or 2.

I am only going on what the scales are reading,
I take a reading first thing in the morning and last thing at night, it says , a loss of 2 kilo.
This is what happens to me. O.k. it might not be possible, but it happens.

So over 10 diet days you lose 20kg?

If you are weighing first thing in the morning on a diet day, your digestive tract, bowel and bladder are still full of/processing the previous days intake.
By last thing at night on the diet day, yesterdays intake has cleared through the system and food intake has been much smaller and therefore your system is holding less food and liquid in process.

Sometimes at the start of a diet day I can take off a kg in 5 minutes. Weigh myself, then have a slash and a dump and hey presto i have lost weight!


IF you are doing the 5:2 eating regime as a means to loose weight (which is NOT its main purpose) you should not rely on the scales alone. Any weight-loss programme will plateau after a while but what can still be happening is that inches/cms are coming off.

I would recommend keeping a logbook, filled in no more than once a week, preferably in the morning after rise - toilet - wash weigh - measure ... before any drink/ food. Measurements should be a minimum of chest (on or just above the nipples); waist (navel level); bum (choose your own place - modesty prevents me from suggestion the bit above the hair on front :blush:). If you want to add upper arms and thighs too, feel free !

If weight has plateaued - have the measurements started/kept coming down ? :smile:

The key to any weight-loss programme is a change of eating habits - getting rid of 'junk calories' and eating more veg and fruit.

Simples** :thumbsup: ^_^

** allegedly ! :ohmy:
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I am fasting today. I have been keeping up a one day a week fast except for black tea and coffee most weeks this year. It is not too difficult. Sometimes I wonder whether it would be preferable to fast three days at the start of each month.


Legendary Member
I am fasting today. I have been keeping up a one day a week fast except for black tea and coffee most weeks this year. It is not too difficult. Sometimes I wonder whether it would be preferable to fast three days at the start of each month.
Have a try at Green (Chinese) Tea, its also supposed to be full of antioxidents as well as being really nice (Twinings do a good one in teabags but my favourite bags are Sea Dyke Brand by Xiamen Tea Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd that a specialist Chinese wholesalers in Leicester sell) :cuppa:
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Have a try at Green (Chinese) Tea, its also supposed to be full of antioxidents as well as being really nice (Twinings do a good one in teabags but my favourite bags are Sea Dyke Brand by Xiamen Tea Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd that a specialist Chinese wholesalers in Leicester sell) :cuppa:

Thanks for the tip. I don't usually like herbal teas, although peppermint tea is alright.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I don't think green tea is really a herbal tea. Isn't it tea that has not been 'fermented' (oxidised) into black tea?

I am just enjoying my nightly mug of green and black tea. I like the taste of green tea, and the strength of black tea so I mix the two together.
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I don't think green tea is really a herbal tea. Isn't it tea that has not been 'fermented' (oxidised) into black tea?

I don't know. I think I tried green tea and didn't like it. I don't even like Earl Grey. I just like builders' tea, but only with milk.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Late to the thread but I have been fasting since late May. I find it easiest to eat nothing until 2pm, when I have porridge made with 50g oats, a splash f milk and mainly water, sweetened with canderel and a banana. I drink about three cups of tea with semi skimmed throughout the day and lots of espresso, then another bowl of porridge as above at about 8 PM. My weight has gone from 17 st to 15st 8 but have plateaued this last three weeks. I can cycle better, longer and faster in fasting days than the day after. Last time I put in a two hour mountain bike ride after breakfast on the day after, I bonked halfway round, with a gel from the bottom of my pack saving the day, but when I got home my blood pressure dropped through the floor and I could barely manage the lunchtime dog walk. I went seriously dizzy and my legs were like lead. It was late that night before I had fully recovered. My theory is that on fast days your body switches to fat burn mode to fuel the exercise, but by the next morning you're running on virtually empty, possibly with nothing left to fuel the muscles. It's also possible that I'm dehydrating as on fasting days I wee like a big dog. My weight can fluctuate by about four pounds between the morning of a fasting day and the next morning, empty to empty. That s got to be fluid variation plus half a pound of fat or so, as the weight is coming off at a pound or so a week. I now only ever weigh myself on the morning after my second fast of the week, as the variation is so huge it makes weighing yourself inconsistent.

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