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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Curses - beaten to it again!

The apps are clever enough to synchronise all the different devices you use. I can read on my PC, laptop, tablet and phone and they all keep track of what I have bought and where I have got to in my ebooks. I don't own an actual Kindle device.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Just finished a fasting day, went a lot better than expected, considering I had a sleepless night with a toothache, was going to use that as an excuse but didn't succumb to it.
I posted it on post 66 of this thread.


Sorry, didn't see the post. Ended up finding documentary at:


We fasted for both days and just had a couple of low calorie meals from the book.
The diet cola or lemonade was a good trick. We drank Earl Grey as it was best without milk.

Results: I lost 5.5lbs, my lady lost 2.75lb. With that encouragement, and the facts from the documentary we're carrying on with it, with two non-consequtive fast days a week.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Picked up the eBook for 99p at the weekend on the Kindle Daily Deal and going to give this a go, as I'm fed up with failing to shift weight regardless of how carefully I eat and how much exercise I do.

Good to see that people are getting good results!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Comestible Cop: "Step away from the chocolate, sir!"
ColinJ: "I, er ..."

(Steps back.)

My mid-week fasting day got moved to today because I took advantage of a lovely sunny day yesterday to walk to Todmorden on a shopping trip. That's a total distance of 6.5 miles, which I didn't fancy doing on a 600 calorie day, and I wanted to treat myself to something at Morrisons when I got there (a big slice of Victoria sponge and a coffee).

The trouble is, I was tempted into buying a 5 x 40 g pack of nutty chocolate bars from Lidl while I was over there ... :whistle:

Two 40 g bars mysteriously disappeared last night but I am now painfully aware of the malevolent presence of the three remaining bars in my kitchen! It's the first time in 3.5 weeks that I have been tempted to break the rules.

I won't give way, but I prefer not to have temptation in the house so I will think ahead next time. If I want to buy chocolate the day before a fasting day, I'll buy just enough for that one day.

Right, I'm off to make a big mug of tea to distract myself! :thumbsup:
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I have been fasting Tuesdays since the new year, but changed it to Thursday this week. It was more of a struggle today than normal. I did a nine mile jog yesterday evening, so I may have been a little lower on blood sugar to begin with.

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