I've been doing this diet since the 2nd week of January. Since I started I've lost about 3kg. I weighed myself for the second time yesterday... to be honest I was actually quite shocked that I'd lost the 3kg! It's the most successful weight loss I've ever managed, and if I keep up my trend on the graph I drew, I'll be down to the BMI I'm aiming for (23) by May, which would be fantastic. I've never had a problem maintaining my weight that much, but since I stopped growing I've always been about 10kg over what I should be.
The fasting days I have a bowl of 2 Weetabix with some skimmed milk (135kcal) for breakfast, a 200-240kcal soup or a salad, preferably with some protein in (it's pricey but M&S do a wonderful salmon salad I recommend!) for lunch and then Weetabix again with some blueberries sprinkled on top for dinner. I have a few cups of normal tea and lots of water/diet drinks throughout the day, plus I try to drink a lot of green/any milk-less tea. Usually I do it on Monday and Thursdays. The days I do it I feel a bit tired but emotionally pretty zen.
One thing I've noticed is that on my 'off' days I feel hugely legitimised to snack and eat that little bit more than I usually would... even if it means I'm actually too full! That's why I was shocked to find that I had lost the weight, until I weighed myself on Sunday I was genuinely considering giving it up. Previously I ate big portions but the food itself was healthy stuff and I never ever used to snack at all. Now I find myself starving hungry and going out and buying myself a packet of Scotch Pancakes and other little treats I'd never previously have contemplated or wanted! It's almost like the diet has given me a sweet tooth, which I've never had a problem with. I can usually turn my nose up at all sorts of cakes, chocolate etc. with no effort at all... usually! Has anybody else had this?! I mean it's wonderful to be able to eat tonnes of food and keep drinking alcohol but still lose the weight, but it doesn't feel right.
The days that I fast I've stopped exercising on. I started out exercising like normal but I just got *SO* hungry and nauseous with the exercise and then barely any food that it was unsustainable. Now I just feel a bit hungry as I get to the extremes between meals, but never sick from hunger. It's also helped solve my knee problems. You can't get repetitive strain injuries if you start taking days off from being repetitive, it seems :P Plus I feel much fresher when I exercise during the intermediate days, which is a wonderful feeling.