I've just had some blood tests done.
It's years since I had the usual cholesterol tests etc and the last time I was on the high side. Since then the powers that be have moved the goalposts so that what was borderline would now be seen as high. So when I asked for the tests I was expecting them to still be on the high side. My brother has issues with cholesterol as does my father. My father also has diabetes (along with most of my paternal family) and two years ago had a triple heart bypass after a heart attack, anyway.......
I rang a moment ago for my results and all the tests came back in the normal range and the Doc doesn't want to see me!!
What I eat is essentially unchanged from the last time I had tests (we're talking about ten years ago here!) although I don't drink in the week these days. I am cycling a little bit more than then but of course two days a week I fast.
Read into it what you will, but I am a happy bunny

All I've got to do now is get this broken collarbone/shoulder sorted