Fantasy Tour de France 2024 *** SPOILERS ***

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
My son AND husband are beating me. This is not good.
Good grief. With a stick?


Kilometre nibbler
I see we have no Gilly this time round. Normally Gilly enters a team consisting of mainly (or entirely) Brits.

So what would Gilly have entered? We have 12 Brits in the race, but only one (Geraint Thomas) is classed as an "all rounder" so we'd need a ringer for All Rounder 2.

The Yates brothers pick themselves as climber 1 and Climber 2. That means Oscar Onley, the other Brit climber, will be fighting with whoever is left for the Wildcard position.

There's only one Brit sprinter - that's Cav. Dan McLay is there but he's not classed as a sprinter.

We have 6 riders left fighting for the three unclassified and one wildcard positions. Ben Turner, Jake Stewart, Fred Wright, Stevie Williams and McLay, who are unclassified, and Onley who is a climber. McLay costs 8, the rest cost 6, except for Turner who is 4.

First of all I'll use the cost (most expensive gets picked) so that means McLay is in and Turner is out, and we need to choose 3 riders from Onley, Stewart, Wright and Williams. So finger in the air ... Wright gets picked because he was British champ until recently, Williams because he won Fleche Wallone (although I'm not sure that "performing well in sleety conditions" will be a very useful super-power at the Tour). So it's Onley vs Stewart. I'm going for Onley because ... no reason, I'm just getting bored and need to get this done. Sorry Jake.

That lot cost 70 points, which means that I can rope in Pog (28 points) as an honorary Brit and still be under budget.

My team of Brits is therefore
Thomas, Pog (honorary), Yates A, Yates S, Cav, McLay, Wright, Williams, Onley.

After stage 2 that team would be on 286 points of which 224 come from Pog and 32 come from Onley "assisting" Bardet on stage 1. The team would be 36/38 in the Cyclechatting league.

If I can be bothered I might occasionally recalculate how the team is doing.
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Kilometre nibbler
Blimey, I don't think I've ever been so highly placed, thanks to my boys Romain and Bini (with a bit of help from Carapaz)

Thibaut's Goats is not just leading the CC league but also 148th overall, out of nearly 30,000.

It won't last. :sad:

Marathon, not a sprint etc.
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